Yellow | I voted no and here is why

the 2 links prove 1 doesn't matter why you voted no if's and's or but's

it proves what the yes men have been saying all along're history
plus you get a beatin
th_Husband-Abuse-1.jpg get a check for another year
take a guess about the next deadline will be in about 6 months if this passes.
We at yrc had a real bad 4th and 1st quarters so we need you to vote yes on concession 5+6 .we maybe paying 10% into you pension sometime in the near future
vote yesssss or else lol
let the counting begin and the crying continue
Why vote no? Hmmmmm..... I have not seen a bunch of sorry-ass pushovers as I have witnessed at YRC. Real panty waist wimps who are scared of their own shadow. Just wait. You will not like the working condition's after the vote passes. YRCW will shove them right up your butts. I've seen this before, It will be pay back time for management and they won't care. Who is going to stop them.....The Union? The work environment will be so bad that most will quit anyway. In a few months you can say I told you so.
Why vote no? Hmmmmm..... I have not seen a bunch of sorry-ass pushovers as I have witnessed at YRC. Real panty waist wimps who are scared of their own shadow. Just wait. You will not like the working condition's after the vote passes. YRCW will shove them right up your butts. I've seen this before, It will be pay back time for management and they won't care. Who is going to stop them.....The Union? The work environment will be so bad that most will quit anyway. In a few months you can say I told you so.

I sorta have to agree. A lot of the work protects are being voted away. Most people don't think it affects them because they have senority. Just wait until the 4 hour guys are coming in and the o/t guys are being sent home. It is coming. I personally know guys who depend on the o/t to support their play time.