Yellow | Merger

Thank you K.K for providing the PDF for everyone to have a look. Turns out the stewrd here had not heard a thing, or seen the COO at all. I realize B.A's are soo busy these days , they must be going crazy right now, but you would think if your name is on the list, you'd be one of the first ones to get it. He did call his B.A after I showed him the COO, just to "check in" with his B.A to see if B.A had anything new to report. ( waiting for call back )

And perhaps if Steward here had computer, he would have gotten it already, but he doesn't have a computer...
Is it possible yrcw is paying the notes early and selling the new shares to get the
"RIGHT" people paid before the bankruptcy???????????
Think about it when $Bill needs his new job "Someone" is going to take
care of him for making sure they got re-paid.