FedEx Freight | New no Smoking policy

Well, people should quit smoking. That just makes sense. But if you want to keep smoking, just smoke when you need one. Stop the truck and step outside. You have tons of precedent if they get on you about stopping to smoke. First of all, office people take little breaks to go smoke. And you can say you have an addiction to a legal substance that affects your behaviour. You can't be expected to be at your best when you are craving the drug that controls your life. Tell them it's a medical/physiological problem that you don't have control over. If they continue, consult a lawyer.
Any bets on whether the company's marketing department touts this thing as just another step into the Green World??

I can see it now.........


Yeah, whatever.

It is about time they did this. As a non smoker I enjoy driving my truck and not smelling like an ashtray when I get out at the end of the day.

Now I know we have some smokers who are very clean about it but we also have those who are just nasty dirty and inconsiderate when it comes to driving another persons truck who is a non smoker. They feel they have the right to smoke anywhere they wish and in whichever truck they get stuck in.
Nicotine is classified as a drug--not sure about the tar in cigaretes. This company has a rehab program for substance (nicotine in this case ) abuse. So before Oct.1 all smokers need to ban together, get their FMLA papers taken care of and take off work and leave them short-handed til you've quit. The person that signed the memo (Can't use names on this site) must have had his head screwed on backwards when he decided on just two week notice. Physicians and research has stated and verified to get of cigs takes from 6-20 weeks depending on the program you use (pills, patches,etc.).I know this can be a great health benefit to us all but get real on the deadline. WAKE-UP Larry M!!!!!!!

gem :clap:

Anybody that really wants to quit smoking has to only set a date and QUIT COLD TURKEY.

That is the only thing that works.
I personally quit July 1, 1987 after smoking for over 18 years.:biglaugh:

My Grandfather quit cold turkey after smoking non-filters for over 50 years. What did it take? Watching his brother die of lung cancer. nuff said
My Grandfather quit cold turkey after smoking non-filters for over 50 years. What did it take? Watching his brother die of lung cancer. nuff said

Same here. My grandpa smoked from WWII till around 1987. When he started getting short of breath working on his farm, he knew it was because of the smokes and dropped them like a bad habit (pun intended.)

Took my dad diagnosis with esophageal cancer, diagnosed Christmas 1972 and he died May 1973. 54 years old, 4 packs/day for 25 years. He tried every aid that came down the pike without success.

Never saw a child married, never saw a child graduate from college.

He was finally able to quit after the diagnosis but it was much too late.
To the topic at hand, as a lifelong (but not militant) non smoker folks do not smoke in my house. Friends do not even ask, they can go on the back porch (roofed/screened). I can smell when smokers have been in a truck, when Lovely Wife works with someone who has been smoking I can smell it in her hair and clothes. I have found no 100% successful way to remove the smell. An employer has the ability to limit smoking in enclosures they provide, in fact here in Ohio they are required to do so. Enclosures includes vehicles, it is legally an employer provided workplace. The law as written here will not allow an employer to build a smoking shed 500' from the nearest building unless it has less than 3 walls (read 1 or 2) or has no roof.

As for enforcement, the issue seems to me to be proving who smoked in the truck. With assigned tractors that would be a bit easier but with folks swapping around at times this becomes a difficult task. It will be interesting to follow this thread to see what develops.

One reference to my post above, the year I lived longer than my father was an interesting birthday indeed.
Usefull Help................

next thing will be over weight trucker, mark my words

This might be a:thumbsup: good thing,it would "be for me" a little extra help.I have allway's struggled with weight issue's:beerchug:TOO many chug's:biglaugh:
On October the 1ST Fedex Freight & Fedex National LTL are going to revise their smoking policy. You will no longer be allowed to smoke in any vehicle owned or leased by fedex. This includes Tractors, Trailers, Hostlers, or any car or truck leased by Fedex. This also includes the use of using medical marijuana. The uniform police are now going through an extensive training program learning how to operate their new and improved smoke detectors. They will also be provided with tobacco sniffing dogs. For those of you employees who chew smokeless tobacco, you must remove your personal spittoons when exiting the vehicle, otherwise your going to have to learn to swallow it. Tobacco juice will also not be tolerated on any company vehicle west of the rocky mountains. Happy Motoring. TP
In a stange way this may improve the customer experience for some. As a non-smoker I could tell from 5 feet away that the YRC driver at a customer a few days ago was a smoker. He stunk! After he left the shipping clerk remarked about it and told me that he hates dealing with smokers. Of course, if you're having withdrawals when you get to a customer, that's probably not going to help either.
he he he he he ..........

On October the 1ST Fedex Freight & Fedex National LTL are going to revise their smoking policy. You will no longer be allowed to smoke in any vehicle owned or leased by fedex. This includes Tractors, Trailers, Hostlers, or any car or truck leased by Fedex. This also includes the use of using medical marijuana. The uniform police are now going through an extensive training program learning how to operate their new and improved smoke detectors. They will also be provided with tobacco sniffing dogs. For those of you employees who chew smokeless tobacco, you must remove your personal spittoons when exiting the vehicle, otherwise your going to have to learn to swallow it. Tobacco juice will also not be tolerated on any company vehicle west of the rocky mountains. Happy Motoring. TP


Took my dad diagnosis with esophageal cancer, diagnosed Christmas 1972 and he died May 1973. 54 years old, 4 packs/day for 25 years. He tried every aid that came down the pike without success.

Never saw a child married, never saw a child graduate from college.

He was finally able to quit after the diagnosis but it was much too late.

I'm sorry to hear that. How sad for your family. We had a driver years ago that was very overweight, drank coffee by the gallon and smoked like a chimney. He died at the wheel and laid a set on it's side. Thankfully he didn't take anyone else with him. He got winded walking up the steps to dispatch to the point he couldn't talk.
I hope they don't ban farting in the trucks. I'd be in real trouble.

You are right about that..

I am just waiting to see when the first non-smokers who turns a guy in ( for a fireable offense) gets his butt whipped for doing so..

I know it takes 3 warning before being released , but when you start messing around with a mans livelyhood, thing could get ugly fast.