ODFL | Od spending money on all new trucks for driver facing cameras but are not using them.

Yes! And it has a sticker in the middle of the 2 blue buttons that says "inward facing camera deactivated ".
So then you know it has an inward facing camera. My original post-you can read it if u want-said that the Lytx can be configured however the company wants.
Here’s what I said verbatim.
“Don’t know if OD is using this feature or not, but I wouldn’t put money on it.
Yes! And it has a sticker in the middle of the 2 blue buttons that says "inward facing camera deactivated ".
So you know it has an inward facing camera. My point was that this camera can be configured anyway the company wants, at any time. Here’s my original post.

“Yes. The Lytix camera also has a feature where they can monitor what you are doing in cab without video recording. It’s called Risk ID Without Recording. It uses machine learning and AI to analyze your in-cab behavior and can recognize behaviors such as eating, drinking, cellphones, etc. Jf it detects a “risky” behavior, it will generate an alert. It can also be used to track the duration, and what you are doing during downtime, such as in between stops. Don’t know if OD is using this feature or not, but I wouldn’t put money on it.”
So then you know it has an inward facing camera. My original post-you can read it if u want-said that the Lytx can be configured however the company wants.
Here’s what I said verbatim.
“Don’t know if OD is using this feature or not, but I wouldn’t put money on it.

So you know it has an inward facing camera. My point was that this camera can be configured anyway the company wants, at any time. Here’s my original post.

“Yes. The Lytix camera also has a feature where they can monitor what you are doing in cab without video recording. It’s called Risk ID Without Recording. It uses machine learning and AI to analyze your in-cab behavior and can recognize behaviors such as eating, drinking, cellphones, etc. Jf it detects a “risky” behavior, it will generate an alert. It can also be used to track the duration, and what you are doing during downtime, such as in between stops. Don’t know if OD is using this feature or not, but I wouldn’t put money on it.”
I've been dealing with these cameras for 8 years as a driver and 3 years as a camera event coach. Our new trucks have the same cameras installed them as the one shown in the video and our older trucks have a first generation camera that's incapable of "Risk ID Without Recording." I figure from what your guys are saying, the only reason the camera has a sticker on it is to prevent it from executing it's risk ID function as well as shooting video. It's still trying to do all those things, but cannot because the sticker prevents it from looking inward. No need to worry until your company mandates the stickers be removed.
Yes! And it has a sticker in the middle of the 2 blue buttons that says "inward facing camera deactivated ".
I have used a few of the new tractors in GBO that has the camera, and you are correct! There is a sticker RIGHT THERE that says 'inward facing camera deactivated'. With that said, there is a 'coach' to the system, as in they are monitoring the forward facing camera. Meaning, you have to come to a FULL STOP(even at a terminal) or else it will report it to your safety guy. So, even if the terminal is 'dark' you better stop, or the 'coach' will report you. I've heard some guys say little things like that were mentioned to them either by our linehaul manager or the safety guy.
2 drivers in my area lost their jobs. Got caught on the phone. How ?
The reflection from the windshield
yes. That is how they are caught. It's best to get a windshield mount for your phone, so, if like me, you use the Sirius/xm app and go to change channels the phone isn't physically in your hand. I've gone out and bought a few windshield mounts, but I'm in a different tractor every other day. Pilot sells the best ones(that doesn't have the sticky stuff on the suction cup). I'm sure TA/Petro or Loves sells the ones I'm talking about as well.
I have used a few of the new tractors in GBO that has the camera, and you are correct! There is a sticker RIGHT THERE that says 'inward facing camera deactivated'. With that said, there is a 'coach' to the system, as in they are monitoring the forward facing camera. Meaning, you have to come to a FULL STOP(even at a terminal) or else it will report it to your safety guy. So, even if the terminal is 'dark' you better stop, or the 'coach' will report you. I've heard some guys say little things like that were mentioned to them either by our linehaul manager or the safety guy.
The system uses sign recognition.
More new trucks good driver facing camera bad! Thankfully DFC is disabled for the time being and there's a sticker covering it
Terminated two more line haul drivers in Dallas this week. Reflection in the windshield can be seen on the camera and they were let go with no warning and without a chance to appeal it. David Gipson and Courtney Jackson were the drivers.

They are using drivers reflection as the driver facing camera.