Yellow | Off Topic Comments & Snarky Remarks Forum

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Yeah, so what you think of this as a New Company Uniform , to go with Darren's New YELLOW campaign ?? It would be kinda like the UPS Brown Shorts uniform . Think once customers saw our Driver's in these Cute ORANGE Uniforms , freight would increase by at less 15% daily !!
The tie makes it.
Big Dave got some new board walk restoration tools! :6799:
It’s for repairs during windy conditions. Every time you strike a nail, air is forced out of the hose to blow sand away from your work area.
Plus it’s used to mash beets and aerate bread dough for the traditional beet soup and dipping bread meal of Moldo Independence Day.
It’s for repairs during windy conditions. Every time you strike a nail, air is forced out of the hose to blow sand away from your work area.
Plus it’s used to mash beets and aerate bread dough for the traditional beet soup and dipping bread meal of Moldo Independence Day.

You been in Tri's wine cellar again?
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