Holland | our only hope

I went to Vegas for the convention and i can tell you first hand,Hoffa is going to win. I dont like the give backs anymore than you do but i need this job. YRC would be closed right now if we had not acted.
The BOD and their raise thanks you for you vote as does Zollars and Smid and their severance. The guys with 30 years and are screwed because they decided to start working early in life, well they may think otherwise. But don't worry the company will be back to the trough and you will have your yes pen at the ready.
I went to Vegas for the convention and i can tell you first hand,Hoffa is going to win.
So you seen a lot of red vests......I guess that makes it a done deal. There's no point in even voting guys, he says it's a done deal....Hoffa will win.

Geez, I hope that you're not just trying to persuade people to keep Hoffa, only because YOU "need this job."

YRC would be closed right now if we had not acted.
Holy cow. That's a new one. I've never heard that one before. Hoffa must have told you so.
Your a dope! I have met Sandy Pope on more than one occasion. In Las Vegas, 3x, Chicago?, and New Jersey. I believe in her and what she wants to do. Even if she gets elected, how will she accomplish anything with the way the power structure is set in the IBT. as usual, we the members, get it in the rear!
dont forget to vote
YES, BY ALL MEANS VOTE !!!! Most Locals have less than a 30% response of eligible voters even bothering to send in a ballot. Use your head, do your research, vote for who you know in your gut who will benefit the membership and the future of the Teamster freight industry the most, and YOUR job specifically, and of the Teamsters coming behind you. The Teamsters of the past did that for the active members of the present. If 100% of eligible Teamsters actually used their brain and VOTED without being intimidated by the union bosses who are only out keep their own high paid jobs, the outcome would be a TRUE reflection of what the members want and most likely would be a much different result from elections past. Those who do not cast a ballot have absolutely NO RIGHT to complain about the outcome of an election. All those un-cast ballots could have made a difference. So use you brain - and VOTE !!!!
so you seen a lot of red vests......i guess that makes it a done deal. There's no point in even voting guys, he says it's a done deal....hoffa will win.

Geez, i hope that you're not just trying to persuade people to keep hoffa, only because you "need this job."

holy cow. That's a new one. I've never heard that one before. Hoffa must have told you so.
erase the slate
I went to Vegas for the convention and i can tell you first hand,Hoffa is going to win. I dont like the give backs anymore than you do but i need this job. YRC would be closed right now if we had not acted.

thats what zoll@rs and hoff@ wanted you to be believe...
you shouldnt have drank the kool aid

bankruptcy would have been handled by the court..
I doubt the judge would close holland or new penn ....
I went to Vegas for the convention and i can tell you first hand,Hoffa is going to win. I dont like the give backs anymore than you do but i need this job. YRC would be closed right now if we had not acted.
and I suppose you believe the guys that turned in hoff@ for attempted bribery are supporting him also...
Sounds like you have already smoked what was in your pipe and it must have been some good stuff. You should be mad at YRC (Bill Zollars) and the board of directors. Its people like you that weaken the labor movement blaming the union instead of the company for borrowing more than they could pay back. And you still haven.t told me waht the Dope would do different. Just she would do alot. Put the crack pipe down and walk away.
There is an old saying that says "We are our own worst enemies" which seems to apply here. The membership has been lied to, hoodwinked, jerked around, intimidated, fooled, and used as suckers to believe whatever our present union leadership feeds us. We have been told who to vote for in every election, both political and union. Have been told to vote for the "slate" because the present "team" works so well together. We have been told who to vote for in national, state and local elections. We have been "advised" to accept giveback proposals by the companies or bad things will happen. Any objections or views expressed at union meetings that don't agree with the person on the podium are met with attempts to belittle, ridicule, discredit, humiliate, demean, embarrass that person who would DARE to question the vastly more intelligent speaker, quickly followed by all the suck-ups attending the meeting. Meanwhile the "silent majority" attending stays silent, not wanting to be humiliated in a similar fashion. This is why many members do not go to meetings anymore or vote. They think they no longer have a voice. That is exactly what the present leadership wants, a mindless bunch of dues payers who blindly just do as they are told without question. To have members actually "think" about where a once great union (and country) are headed and vote or debate accordingly would result in incompetent union leaders and politicians losing their jobs and the power they thrive on. That is why the secret ballot is so important in this country. It empowers the "silent majority" to speak with their vote to let their wishes be heard without being intimidated by anyone. They don't have to tell ANYONE who they choose to vote for or why, JUST VOTE using your brain and gut.
What choice did the membership have? New Penn voted no, no, no. They were told if they didnt vote yes, their company would be gone. In Chicago, we voted until they got the vote they wanted. Funny how it worked. Really sad. Hoffa sold YRC employees up the river.
What choice did the membership have? New Penn voted no, no, no. They were told if they didnt vote yes, their company would be gone. In Chicago, we voted until they got the vote they wanted. Funny how it worked. Really sad. Hoffa sold YRC employees up the river.

then you know how to vote then..
then you know how to vote then..
vote vote vote Only a small percentage of eligable members even voting If you don't vote, then YOU are part of the problem, and are refusing to be part of the solution. If you don't vote, you have NO RIGHT to complain about the outcome.