XPO | Periodic inspections

Yes , you got me figured out . Damit Gumby your way to slick to fool.
Here’s a tip( only because I like you ) Don’t wear your tinfoil hat out when it’s going to storm . You may attract a lightning strike .

And now playing the games with your posts. We have seen this all before.
Good you had me worried
I don't recall you mentioning this in earlier posts , but , has your local management got involved? Have they taken any steps to fix this problem on a local level ( for example , ordering and keeping enough out of service tags )?

When you contact your regional safety person , aren't they worried about someone getting hurt or worse with this bad equipment issue you've pointed out to them?

Has anyone flat out pointed the poorly maintained equipment out to DOT officers? That usually will get someone's attention really quick!
I don't recall you mentioning this in earlier posts , but , has your local management got involved? Have they taken any steps to fix this problem on a local level ( for example , ordering and keeping enough out of service tags )?

When you contact your regional safety person , aren't they worried about someone getting hurt or worse with this bad equipment issue you've pointed out to them?

Has anyone flat out pointed the poorly maintained equipment out to DOT officers? That usually will get someone's attention really quick!
Our local management is overwhelmed. Even if we red tag something it takes weeks to get it to where it has to go to be fixed. We have driver who is trying to keep things moving (mclovings ) and he is the only reason things get fixed eventually. Nobody ask him to take charge of it but he does his best . Red tags are removed at times when equipment is needed . Honestly it’s a total mess . As far as getting the dot involved... non of us are dicks about it . We do our part . Red tag stuff ( when tags are available) and put it out of service . There is some guys who are hesitant to red tag their tractors because the process takes weeks to get things fixed . They are a minority though.
its no different than any other co . guys wont red tag their tractor because they're afraid they'll have to drive something else and their tractor may not come back for a long time or not at all
When the trailer brakes fail & the following accident kills a father of 4 making 6 figures a year, the attorney for the plaintiff will ask did you, as the driver, operate a piece of equipment that the rules state can not be pulled or driven until the annual inspection has been completed. The attorney ask for 5 million. The jury says give them 10 mil. Now some of that might, change that, will come out of your pocket. Why. Think of the words (contributory negligence). Think 20 year wage garnishment. Not saying it will, but it sure can. von.