ABF | Pup blows up in Phoenix yard.

Where was Placards ?? Safety Dept. needs to get fired or given a Bonus , like old yeller does for bad behavior !
I am sure that ArcBest is burying its head in the sand about this...Thanks to the Teamster Brother that posted this...what would happen if a driver had this picture and refused to
deliver a hhg load or Relo cube, citing dangerous potential. Also, what would ArcBest
do if this type of shipment blew up on the highway instead of the terminal yard.

I think that a trial law firm would jump all over that...maybe they should have cameras watching the people load the trailers and cubes? The photos are out there for the whole world to see..
Just a thought.
My guess is that a propane tank from a gas grill exploded. But, I am just a retired
trucker, so what do I know?
Railroads used little devices commonly called torpedoes for signaling purposes back in the day. They were a small, maybe 1-1/2 inch square, 1/2 inch high package with two small lead straps on opposite sides. These things were strapped to the top surface of the rail before a flagman returned to his train after it stopped unexpectedly. When a following train ran over this package it went off with a very loud bang signaling the engineer that he should be ready to stop because of a stopped train ahead. This material was detonated just by the pressure of the locomotive running over it.

Tri, they were also put down by track repair crews to warn engineers of the upcoming hazard. But the best part of this story is this , the guys responsible for putting these on the tracks were called "Gandy Dancers". Don't know where that came from. In about 1982 I do know that one of the night switchers in a yard at the bottom of the hill in North Bergen came into possession of some of these devices. Said employee affixed said device to a pin on a trailer a supposed rat in a yard horse was going to hook up. The moral of this story is Rat's do sh## there pants!
Ya'll sure a tornado didn't peel that thing open with all these weird storms we been having across the country? There have been times a tornado would peel the roof off a mobile home and leave all the contents inside just as the funnel cloud was dropping down, or pop the roof off a house and drop it in the yard and leave the ceiling joists and ceiling intact. An internal explosion would have scattered them boxes everywhere....imho
Ya'll sure a tornado didn't peel that thing open with all these weird storms we been having across the country? There have been times a tornado would peel the roof off a mobile home and leave all the contents inside just as the funnel cloud was dropping down, or pop the roof off a house and drop it in the yard and leave the ceiling joists and ceiling intact. An internal explosion would have scattered them boxes everywhere....imho
What are you doing here, it's not contract time....