ABF | Pup blows up in Phoenix yard.

I read an article about hunters in Texas buying a chemical at a sporting goods store that is legal.
They bait a field for hogs and have this chemical close, when hogs get around, they shoot the stuff and blow up several hogs.
They say it's a huge explosion with no fire.
Can't recall the name.
Friend of mine in high school made a contact explosive liquid. Keep it cool and everything was fine. We painted the front porch of a abandoned house. Stood back a shot at with a BB gun. Nothing! Lobbed a half a brick up there and it blew us into next week. He made a mental note to leave that crap alone.
Friend of mine in high school made a contact explosive liquid. Keep it cool and everything was fine. We painted the front porch of a abandoned house. Stood back a shot at with a BB gun. Nothing! Lobbed a half a brick up there and it blew us into next week. He made a mental note to leave that crap alone.
Railroads used little devices commonly called torpedoes for signaling purposes back in the day. They were a small, maybe 1-1/2 inch square, 1/2 inch high package with two small lead straps on opposite sides. These things were strapped to the top surface of the rail before a flagman returned to his train after it stopped unexpectedly. When a following train ran over this package it went off with a very loud bang signaling the engineer that he should be ready to stop because of a stopped train ahead. This material was detonated just by the pressure of the locomotive running over it.

Railroads used little devices commonly called torpedoes for signaling purposes back in the day. They were a small, maybe 1-1/2 inch square, 1/2 inch high package with two small lead straps on opposite sides. These things were strapped to the top surface of the rail before a flagman returned to his train after it stopped unexpectedly. When a following train ran over this package it went off with a very loud bang signaling the engineer that he should be ready to stop because of a stopped train ahead. This material was detonated just by the pressure of the locomotive running over it.

Tri, you are telling your age.
I thought I would be the only one who remember those.
It was rare to find one when we played on the tracks
We would place it where it shouldn't be and run.
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