Yellow | RTW Law Repealed By Michigan Senate!

Except Right to Work laws, right?
Except the right to keep what you earn and not have your earnings involuntarily confiscated.
Labor unions have been responsible for getting legislation passed that helps every hourly worker. Unions lobby for better wages & benefits. My union dues helped many workers that criticized unions. They reaped the benefits of having better labor laws. Employers don't pay workers because they love them unless daddy owns the company. There is an article on the T Force board about a man named Dwayne Butts that fought hard for not only organizing Overnite but his work has helped others in freight.
Except Right to Work laws, right?
Except the right to keep what you earn and not have your earnings involuntarily confiscated.
If you object to paying Union Dues, why would you work for a unionized company? Quit being a hypocrite. If you wish to enjoy the protections and benefits of being a Teamster. Then you should acknowledge that those protections and benefits come at a cost. If you are unwilling to contribute to those costs, then man up and go work for Swift.......
If you object to paying Union Dues, why would you work for a unionized company? Quit being a hypocrite. If you wish to enjoy the protections and benefits of being a Teamster. Then you should acknowledge that those protections and benefits come at a cost. If you are unwilling to contribute to those costs, then man up and go work for Swift.......
There are no protections or benefits of being a Teamster.