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Nor should the best applicant be passed over because they are not white or not a male. Goes both ways friend; and my theory is easier to argue when everyone above director is a white male.
Your theory is just that; a theory. You didn't need to repeat that it goes both ways, because I already said that. Unless you have more proof than that, like evidence that someone more qualified was passed over for a white male, you should leave it as a theory instead of making accusations.

Too many people are way too eager to make accusations like that these days. This isn't Tumblr. If you're going to make an accusation like that, expect to be challenged.

Bottom line: you have exactly zero evidence that OD has DELIBERATELY not hired women or ethnically diverse people for top management positions. Keep your theory to yourself unless you can back it up. I've seen what these accusations can do, and it can ruin reputations in today's toxic atmosphere. That's not something you can say "Oops, I'm sorry." to, my friend.
Your theory is just that; a theory. You didn't need to repeat that it goes both ways, because I already said that. Unless you have more proof than that, like evidence that someone more qualified was passed over for a white male, you should leave it as a theory instead of making accusations.

Too many people are way too eager to make accusations like that these days. This isn't Tumblr. If you're going to make an accusation like that, expect to be challenged.

Bottom line: you have exactly zero evidence that OD has DELIBERATELY not hired women or ethnically diverse people for top management positions. Keep your theory to yourself unless you can back it up. I've seen what these accusations can do, and it can ruin reputations in today's toxic atmosphere. That's not something you can say "Oops, I'm sorry." to, my friend.
I didn't see in the TB rule book that we could not discuss theory or express opinions. Is that the next step after socialized medicine, suppression of dissent? Is that how it's done in Canada? Once you get south of that weakly guarded border you can say what you want and if others don't like it they can choose to not listen. You don't like my theory? Fine! Disagree with it, make your point, put me on ignore or simply skim over it and continue your day; but don't tell me to keep it to myself.
I didn't see in the TB rule book that we could not discuss theory or express opinions. Is that the next step after socialized medicine, suppression of dissent? Is that how it's done in Canada? Once you get south of that weakly guarded border you can say what you want and if others don't like it they can choose to not listen. You don't like my theory? Fine! Disagree with it, make your point, put me on ignore or simply skim over it and continue your day; but don't tell me to keep it to myself.
I don't know if you haven't noticed, but people are more than willing to ruin people and companies over theories like yours today. I'm not telling you to keep it to yourself out of any sense of control, I'm doing it because you seriously run the risk of damaging OD in today's very, very charged environment in regards to exactly what you're talking about.

If you want to run that risk, be my guest. But if someone with a mind to bring all of OD's progress to a screeching halt took your theory to the news, it'd be published and run without fact checking because that's how it's done today. And a news story like that could ruin OD's reputation in the industry, whether it was right or wrong.

If you're okay with that, fine. But I'll be first in line to say I told you so if it ends badly. I'd be happy to debate ANYTHING ELSE, but this topic is so charged and toxic that even celebrities who want to help these movements are being beaten up by the press just for saying something the wrong way.
I didn't see in the TB rule book that we could not discuss theory or express opinions. Is that the next step after socialized medicine, suppression of dissent? Is that how it's done in Canada? Once you get south of that weakly guarded border you can say what you want and if others don't like it they can choose to not listen. You don't like my theory? Fine! Disagree with it, make your point, put me on ignore or simply skim over it and continue your day; but don't tell me to keep it to myself.

Unfounded accusations like these are considered libelous and subject to civil law. I'm sure OD has a boatload of attorneys if you're feeling froggy... Just sayin'...
Why you even arguing with some dude that don't work here? Ump, finish this guy up.
Quite a few home boys working at our place. Looks like a doc crew on the Dock In The morning.
I have seen a driver drag a trailer and watched as the landing gear on both sides bent backwards. He got out went back and looked got back in and thought if he backed up they would go back where they were. Didn't work. so drivers a tug test is just that a tug. When you feel resistance you got it. No where does it say drag 10 feet test
Wouldn't be surprised if these are the same drivers who leave handles out and only use one clip on the placards and wonder why things get tore up
Home boys? Really? DOC crew? That's too far billy.

My bad, a doc crew wears a uniform. Our guys wear super baggy clothes, Jordan's on forklifts, bandannas and blasting loud rap music on head phones all while running a lift at full speed. During lunch break they brag about what bridge they spray painted a tag on. Good guys.
My bad, a doc crew wears a uniform. Our guys wear super baggy clothes, Jordan's on forklifts, bandannas and blasting loud rap music on head phones all while running a lift at full speed. During lunch break they brag about what bridge they spray painted a tag on. Good guys.
I guess it would be better if they were wearing wranglers and Ropers and bragging about what water tower they spray-painted the girls name on?
Atleast they'd be looking respectable. Dress like a thug, get treated like a thug.
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