Yellow | The party is over for all Y'all vaccinated hands

I'm wating for the vaxxed to realize they are no longer human and thus readily determined to be acceptable into Heaven. The Mark of the Beast has rewritten the human genome.
J Jonah Jameson Laughing GIF
I'm wating for the vaxxed to realize they are no longer human and thus readily determined to be acceptable into Heaven. The Mark of the Beast has rewritten the human genome.
That's a popular theme, today. I'm told that by many. Often by many who never read the Bible. (Not saying that you don't- just relaying my own experiences) .I've studied Revelation forward, backward, and inside out. I just can't relate what John wrote to this vaccine. Although inability to buying/selling without it has come up....
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That's a popular theme, today. I'm told that by many. Often by many who never read the Bible. (Not saying that you don't- just relaying my own experiences) .I've studied Revelation forward, backward, and inside out. I just can't relate what John wrote to this vaccine. Although inability to buying/selling without it has come up....

Lots of talk of how it can and will be used to allow or deny freedoms or what might be thought of as "rights" or "privileges" though.
I don't see Revelations as future, sort of as this story. But it doesn't mean evils or goods can't repeat in similar ways imo.

Lots of talk of how it can and will be used to allow or deny freedoms or what might be thought of as "rights" or "privileges" though.
I don't see Revelations as future, sort of as this story. But it doesn't mean evils or goods can't repeat in similar ways imo.
Your article contains this:
John’s description of one of the beast’s heads being “wounded” may likewise be a reference to Nero’s death, which Suetonius describes as a self-inflicted stab to the neck.

Can't be. That particular Beast is said to have had 3 prior lives and recovers from the wound in it's 4th life, or reign. The Book of Daniel has identical descriptions of the same Beast, and answers that those Beasts are Nations, not Men.
Your article contains this:
John’s description of one of the beast’s heads being “wounded” may likewise be a reference to Nero’s death, which Suetonius describes as a self-inflicted stab to the neck.

Can't be. That particular Beast is said to have had 3 prior lives and recovers from the wound in it's 4th life, or reign. The Book of Daniel has identical descriptions of the same Beast, and answers that those Beasts are Nations, not Men.
See if there's a comment button in the link. I'm not gonna look that up right now LOL.
Another thing about the group of nations that exists at the time of The Mark of the Beast:

There are a Bear, a Lion, an Eagle that broke out away from the Lion, and a 4 Reign nation that recovered and reformed after its 3rd reign.

I see them as Russia, England, the USA, and Germany. My point is- after these nations form a group- the Eagle is gone from the Group before the Mark of the Beast comes to existance. The USA is still here, for now...
Anyway- back to the subject of Mandatory Vaccination.

I heard Senator Mike Lee of Utah interviewed yesterday. Lee is known as the Senator Most Expert on things Constitutional.

Lee said that Biden hasn't presented Prosals for Rules to OSHA yet. Lee believes that Biden never meant to do so, knowing there will be Court Challenges. Lee said he believes Biden simply stated his intention to have OSHA regulate it, and that Biden believes the scare of that will cause enough big corporations to enforce it thru fear, that it fulfills Biden's goal. He also said he believes Biden thought there would be no fighting it, since he "ordered it"....
Anyway- back to the subject of Mandatory Vaccination.

I heard Senator Mike Lee of Utah interviewed yesterday. Lee is known as the Senator Most Expert on things Constitutional.

Lee said that Biden hasn't presented Prosals for Rules to OSHA yet. Lee believes that Biden never meant to do so, knowing there will be Court Challenges. Lee said he believes Biden simply stated his intention to have OSHA regulate it, and that Biden believes the scare of that will cause enough big corporations to enforce it thru fear, that it fulfills Biden's goal. He also said he believes Biden thought there would be no fighting it, since he "ordered it"....
It's an obvious issue that in a world that made sense, the unions should fight it.

And IF the unions performed a proper function(which politics and those relationships has corrupted) could cause major repercussions in Red States if left to companies and unions to fight.
Hence Red States want no part of a mandate put on employers.
Companies are their politicians bread and butter and aren't gonna fight it because the whole thing is a megamoney deal. So the companies want in.
If unions fought it in blue states it would expose that blue politicians aren't really for union workers...but for the same political megamoney donors that red politicians are for.
A big issue would also be exposed...who do the union bigwigs stand with? The members or the companies.
The recent past shows that the red and blue politicians will stand with companies as usual. And the union leaders will too.
Those relationships are a big part of our country's problems imo.
Can't separate politics and religion and issues.
It doesn't work that way. They all affect everything.
Anyway- back to the subject of Mandatory Vaccination.

I heard Senator Mike Lee of Utah interviewed yesterday. Lee is known as the Senator Most Expert on things Constitutional.

Lee said that Biden hasn't presented Prosals for Rules to OSHA yet. Lee believes that Biden never meant to do so, knowing there will be Court Challenges. Lee said he believes Biden simply stated his intention to have OSHA regulate it, and that Biden believes the scare of that will cause enough big corporations to enforce it thru fear, that it fulfills Biden's goal. He also said he believes Biden thought there would be no fighting it, since he "ordered it"....
Is OSHA going to regulate those boxes you haul weekly, and will anyone in said box have a say in weather or not the box receives the vaccine? Or the booster? And will the box have to be exhumed yearly for ongoing boosters?
( Asking for burial crew at the local cemetery)
To bad mainstream news never gives us the whole picture of what is happening abroad. Some here will discredit the source, but we must be open to all sources. You, yourself will be the judge. I think everyone here is grown up enough to make their own decision. Nothing like a good ole union riot.
To bad mainstream news never gives us the whole picture of what is happening abroad. Some here will discredit the source, but we must be open to all sources. You, yourself will be the judge. I think everyone here is grown up enough to make their own decision. Nothing like a good ole union riot.
RT is literally the international propaganda arm of the Russian government.

  • Overall, we rate RT Questionable based on promoting pro-Russian propaganda, promotion of conspiracy theories, numerous failed fact checks, and a lack of author transparency.
Just saying.

Humans Remain Human regardless of Human Positives and Negatives.
The Bibles were written by HUMANS.
Artificial Intelligence = HUMAN.
Robotics = HUMAN Creation.

What BEINGS created the Solar Systems/Universes?
The same who/that created LIFE WITHIN these/those Solar Systems/Universes.

Mankind was NEVER in charge and yet Humanity has well witnessed what has/is to/will happen when Ego overrides.
Ego claims dominance as Earth suffers.

Humanity needs a Reset/Restart and it isn't to occur through prayer/wishing/hoping.

Freedom Of Thought is responsible for what has been created and destroyed thru the Thousands of Centuries and soon as well to disappear through Mankinds Destruction of Mankind.
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Then again, maybe nothing has really happened and it'll all soon become a Garden of Eden, after the Global Tribulations.
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Please Eat Of The Fruit Lest Humanity Return As Simpletons.
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So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!
Here it is.
Saw it given special treatment and figured it was coming.
The big money wants us all getting it for whatever greedy sick reason.
And they don't want the responsibility of making us do it on their own so they go to Biden to do it for them.
They'll pull the "we can't afford the OSHA fines".....and we really don't want to force you but have no choice...
I'm not talking just Yellow. Biden's bailing all of them out on this.
They all want it. World Economic forum probably wants it.
But there's a problem.
A bunch of guys at our terminal do not want it. If you want it to feel safe...get it.
But if we don't want it....its nobody's business....and it's nobody's business if we get tested either.
The only medical thing about this is medical business. Profits.
They can't afford to lose drivers. There's gonna be problems.
If the people who want and need vaccines want them...they can get them.
But it's totally insane to believe that an unvaccinated person is a threat to a vaccinated person. Not if the vaccine works.
And if it doesn't work or is questionable......then why the HELL would anybody force it on anybody?
There's obviously dishonesty and corruption and Big money behind the whole thing.
So imo our union should have a spine for once just like the postal workers have done. They are exempted. They aren't much different than us.
And the postal workers being exempted surely shows that it is all politics and money and not much medical and science involved.

Hello,by the way.
All of Congress exempted. WHY ARE THEY EXEMPTED????