FedEx Freight | The whatsthedelaysir? Thread



remember at all your secret meetings judas Iscariot was there and he wears a purple shirt but he goes by the name??? any suggestions?? every terminal has one...
we live in america not some third world country!

whats wrong with treating people right, not like modern day slaves. free will for who? free will is being in control of your accumulated sick time and vacation picks to me but what do I know...
Pro-union or not, if someone this incoherent is operating a commercial vehicle be very afraid. This is akin to an LSD, no, make that an Angel Dust overdose. Intervention please!:fruit:
the ten commandments of fedex. To be continued

1# thal shal not steal! 2# thal shal not curse. :butt kiss:
what are the benefits of being a shop steward?

you get paid off! maybe,yes, or not,just i'm not. or??? be back ran out of Bacardi....