Yellow | To those who lost faith (place your stories of DOOM here)

have you looked at G.M.stock today?? Y.R.C. will only make it if the economy turns around. That is our only chance to make it thru the year. .

That is the Exact reason I quit YRC. I see no reason that they will make their 400 million payment next year, IF they survive that long. If they are run perfectly, they are still dependent on Obama's "Stimulis" (Business-Killer). His raising of taxes has closed businesses just thru the threat of talking about it; wait til it actually happens.

While I've been on the Road since November, I noticed that it used to be TruckStops would fill their parking by 10-11pm; since Christmas, it seems they are filling by 6pm as more trucks are looking to park for the night, waiting on loads. Since the Stimulis Plan passed; trucktops are filling by 11am-noon. Trucks are parked; there just isn't the manufacturing in this country anymore. The Stimulis Plan that isn't will kill what's left of investment in Industry. That means no freight, and YRC will not make a profit to pay their bills.....

By the way; the EMPTY Caskets I will haul are American Made in Indiana.. At least Something is still being made here.......Go out empty; haul supplies back. The worst part is pulling lightweight or empties back on every load. Could be bad in the Winter, coming back from Bismark, the North East, or Des Moines (The main runs I'll get)......
Hey Jimmyg, is that a union job at Batesville? Curious.:smilie_132:

No. Try to find a Union Job hiring in this economy. Every union job I've found has people laid off. Let me know when you find one hiring/working those new-hires every day instead of hiring them to wait by the phone..... (especially one paying their top scale from day 1 ). It's pretty much like Conway does-- hire good people, pay 'em enough and treat 'em right, so they won't go union (only with their top pay right away)....Also, a lot of nons won't hire past/present union people. Which makes it hard to find a hiring non that pays someone 1100, 1200 per week, yet home most nights. I know for a fact these type jobs are very few/far between! Took me since November for them to decide to hire me, checking out my background and comparing it to others for this job. Makes people think twice about how they assume they have a fantastic job for life! Keep YRC open; the job-hunting options aren't good! I've lucked out Far better than most would!
Reminds me of how some sayings got started.

In Old England, people sometimes were pronounced dead when they really weren't; so they started the ritual of placing the body on the kitchen table for a few days and having a party to see if he would eventually "Wake", which they sometimes did...

Many were buried apparently alive. They found that out because they dug people up/ reused the coffins and the cemetary space. They would find scratch marks inside the coffins. So started a ritual of putting a string inside the coffin extending to a bell above the gravesite. A person would sit by the bell for a few days, wating to see if the bell rang. Thus started Graveyard Shift and /saved by the /Bell.

At least that's what /i've heard......

While on the subject of old sayings, and on a Doomsday page, another is "Pea Porridge in the pot, nine days old." Poor people would have a central cooking pot. Whatever they could scramble to find, they threw in the pot for everyone to share. Eventually, someone got the stuff sitting on the bottom. When they had company, they celebrated by eating bread. The more poor got the burnt crust at the bottom of the loaf. The Middle Class got the middle of the load. Guess who got the "Upper Crust?"