Yellow | Welch's $10.6 Million PIE Chart!

Only in your mind. I turned down the mod job several times. I'm just a guy with a keyboard that intolerant people can't agree with. Look, albag and i are opposites yet we get along. Plenty of others too. Not you tho...Always an adventure.

I was making light about the "thread police" thing...a reference to an earlier post ... .....

Not everyone does get along for various reasons..... Intolerant is defined as "Unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion"... I don't think that definition applies to me or you....We both can tolerate differences of opinion....... Disagreeing with those opinions is another matter...but it is not being intolerant... We both freely express our different opinions and often times it gets more involved.......and's Always the adventure...but then again that is what makes Life varied and interesting..that is what makes this forum interesting........The challenges that present themselves along the way.....

I think we could get along ....we just need to stop commenting on each others posts on these type of topics as a start.... I can, if you can......

Jimmy in "real life" I am well known as being laid back and easy going....I know that you don't know me beyond the confines of this board.....and that you may not think it to be possible.....but it is true......

I have several close personal friends that I think of as Family, but would fit in with your points of view perfectly... Personality and other commonalities play a big role in how we get along in spite of differences.....

C'mon....Lets try and get along better........ Okay?
I was making light about the "thread police" thing...a reference to an earlier post ... .....

Not everyone does get along for various reasons..... Intolerant is defined as "Unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion"... I don't think that definition applies to me or you....We both can tolerate differences of opinion....... Disagreeing with those opinions is another matter...but it is not being intolerant... We both freely express our different opinions and often times it gets more involved.......and's Always the adventure...but then again that is what makes Life varied and interesting..that is what makes this forum interesting........The challenges that present themselves along the way.....

I think we could get along ....we just need to stop commenting on each others posts on these type of topics as a start.... I can, if you can......

Jimmy in "real life" I am well known as being laid back and easy going....I know that you don't know me beyond the confines of this board.....and that you may not think it to be possible.....but it is true......

I have several close personal friends that I think of as Family, but would fit in with your points of view perfectly... Personality and other commonalities play a big role in how we get along in spite of differences.....

C'mon....Lets try and get along better........ Okay?
If you guys can bury the hatchet you are welcome to join Wong and myself for a beer at our usual Friday night place on South Halsted!!!!!
I didn't take it that way Jimmy... Thanks though for the clarification...

I'm not going to go into a long discussion about the Communist Manifesto... You and I have already been around the block more than a few times on that......
Perhaps you missed the point I was making regarding inequality and the negatives it presents for Society....and some possible ways to mitigate it's worsening....... I think there is a difference between "controlling" others wealth and putting restrictions on what it can be used for when the good of the greater Public is at stake....... .. That is what Income and wealth inequality I outlined in my previous post..... Increasing inequality harms economic growth.....If you want to consider the ideas of reversing the Ill effects of Wealth inequality as Marxist...that is fine with me....It really doesn't matter what you, or anyone else calls it, it is still a problem that needs to be rectified....But as I've also previously mentioned...those with the concentrated wealth have infiltrated and corrupted the very Political process from which the needed change would normally come it looks rather bleak for any meaningful change from the course we're on... So you needn't worry to much about "Marxism" taking hold in the USA.......

Jimmy, we all believe in Freedom..... Once again the money that you or I can afford to give to any particular cause is miniscule by comparison...There is no chance that either of us...or the hundreds of millions like us, can buy the influence that the Extremely wealthy and Multinational Corporations can.... An example would be the Koch Brothers plan to spend nearly a Billion dollars to influence the Presidential Election cycle in 2016.......Do you think for a moment that they have the best interests of the average citizen in mind?..... yours or mine?.... not hardly, and they will expect a return on that investment.... You say that it doesn't matter if it's "once cent or one Trillion"..... I beg to differ......there is a HUGE difference between those sums of money and the influence that they can buy with it.... You also say that as "long as it's the property of one person, he should have the right to spend it as he wishes".......Two points here.....First is that it is often NOT the money of a single person....It is the Money of huge Multinational Corporations......Secondly..... Should the "rights" of a single person also include the ability to have such a large influence over Policy that it creates a negative impact on Society?... what about the rights of those that do not possess such Wealth?....... It is obvious to most that the Political system has been corrupted beyond "fixing" by the election process....and why is that.....because those that you say should have the "right" to spend their money as they wish....choose to spend it on getting more money and more power...and more control over Governmental policy making.......
You believe in "freedom"...yes we all do....but does Freedom come from corruption? it works opposite of that...with corruption comes less freedoms down the line......With Freedom comes responsibility.... responsibility to make sure that we all take care of the people of the Nation......The Responsibility to recognize corruption and purge it from Society before it becomes impossible as it has become.... Wealth inequality feeds the corruption and that corrupted Governance feeds Wealth inequality.... a vicious cycle.....

I'm not going to take this much farther because, for the most part we have traveled this road many times in the past.....There is nothing "new" that can be said by either of us that would make us change our positions and opinions......But I will say this..... you are very passionate about what you believe and I truly respect that....Disagreements aside......

So to quote you from a reply to a recent post of mine.... " I disagree with your post, but be safe and live long..."
As a courtesy (since, yes- I hadn't read it) I went back and read it. I owed you that courtesy....

Pilot, you won't like my answers.

I believe in Freedom of our US Constitution. The US Constitution doesn't out limits or place proportions on Freedom. The USSR's Constitution did, as did FDR's attempt to ram thru a 'second bill of rights- as copy of the USSR's Constitution that even the Dem controlled FDR Congress of the 1930s refused to pass, as it was so radical. That's not me making it up- its history. I'm a kook, I know. But I do know history.

You see things from a Far Left/ Socialist type view, I see things from a Libertarian/ live and let live view. Your ideas seem to mirror that book you don't like me mentioning; the one that the USSR sprung from. Mine mirror more the Federalist Papers and the Convention leading up to the ratification of our Constitution.

You worry about the Koch Bros who give but a pittance next to Soros who already has Given billions, but to groups you like. I care not. I pray for guidance, and trust honorable people will decide. mankind is doomed already. Choose the right path, and let God provide for your safety.

The USA is headed for collapse. Like our pensions, we've promised too much, and have too much debt.

Take limits off all political contributions, except that people must list who owns whom. I trust our citizens to vote with honor and elect good people or to trust God to provide. You trust only the Government is god to rule. I want only ten laws, you seem to want Total laws for every situation. We'll always disagree. Its just the way it is....
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You're pouting of things not done yet. And are you also decrying the billion(S) Soros already spent on Dems? Or just the 56th most spending Koch's? I care not who spends what on politics. Its their money, just like the various unions spend on politics- its their money. We all should be able to spend on what we believe in with our money.

FYI, Just saw some news today about Soros...

Soros Hides Billions From U.S. Taxes

Liberal billionaire George Soros has avoided paying billions in federal taxes by transferring assets to Ireland, a corporate tax haven, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

Soros “had amassed $13.3 billion” by deferring taxes on fees paid by his hedge fund’s clients, according to Bloomberg. Efforts by U.S. lawmakers to close what some described as a loophole would have generated an additional $6.7 billion in tax revenue from Soros’ trading operation.
As a courtesy (since, yes- I hadn't read it) I went back and read it. I owed you that courtesy....

Thanks Jimmy, for the Courtesy......

We'll always disagree. Its just the way it is....

That is true....I guess we do agree on that one thing....... Common ground....ever so tiny....but it's just the way it is......

You trust only the Government is god to rule.

Jimmy, I've seemed to have mis-placed my hatchet....but I would like to say one thing in regards to the above quote....

I do not trust the Governments to rule justly over Humankind....Ours or any of them..... That is the reason that you will not find any posts of mine supporting any Political Party.....
So in the absence of my hatchet I'll have to simply let the rest go and thank you for taking time to reply and expressing your views....

Take care and I hope your day is going along well... Be safe!
Thanks Jimmy, for the Courtesy......

That is true....I guess we do agree on that one thing....... Common ground....ever so tiny....but it's just the way it is......

Jimmy, I've seemed to have mis-placed my hatchet....but I would like to say one thing in regards to the above quote....

I do not trust the Governments to rule justly over Humankind....Ours or any of them..... That is the reason that you will not find any posts of mine supporting any Political Party.....
So in the absence of my hatchet I'll have to simply let the rest go and thank you for taking time to reply and expressing your views....

Take care and I hope your day is going along well... Be safe!
Uh oh! You posted an opinion here, After the new opinion thread started!

Citizens Arrest! Citizens Arrest!
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