What do you guys like about food over beverages?


TB Veteran
I know, that we have talked about this before, but sometime has passed.

From my perspective, what I think is nicer about food service is no kegs, no empty kegs, you guys don't have as many retail stops like I have to deliver beer for a display and then pick up the stuff that's out of date or whatever. When I worked at the restaurant, maybe from time to time we had refused somethings, but usually I don't recall ever sending anything back because it was close dated or damaged or stupid things like that.

Also and I know this isn't every case, all the time, but not all food products are heavy like pop or beer products can get because food is less dense. I mean I know you guys have heavy things like canned goods, those are heavy, but you have light things as well.

The more I see and the more beer I deliver the better the food world seems to look to me.
My shoulders hated side load work. We do a little overhead work when first breaking into a pallet, but most of our lifting is up rather than pulling overhead.
I like food because on the rare occasion I do have a gas station I open the walk in door, push the wheeler as far as it can go, drop it right there and my company has my back. Not like pop where I have 50cs going into a disaster of a cooler littered with half full cases and crap blocking what should be an aisle and I'm expected to somehow get all my stuff into the far back corner where our product is stored. For all their problems Sysco understands that they're paying us to deliver, not completely reorganize everyone's coolers.
That and I don't do any grocery stores. I swear, some of those back door guys rule over those docks like it's their own little kingdom.
Lazlo pretty much said it for me, kick out of it and jet.

The last driver did it! I'm not the last driver, let me get to know you before you ask for special treatment, whats my reward for giving that special treatment?

I do love this work, there is a certain amount of leverage that we have.
I hate grocery stores, I've done a bulk route or two and that brings back bad memories. Thank god I only have 1 grocery store and the woman who is the checker inner is very good and gets me in and out.
Most of my convenience stores are kick and jet believe it or not. I only have one restaurant where I bother to actually stack the crap, but there cooler is very nice. However I am no stranger to coolers that look like they just had a bomb go off. One of my accounts is also a Sysco account and Sysco drops the stuff in the hallway and gets out of there.
I recommend never going to a bakery supplier. And GT can back me up on this but when you deliver 40k lbs of flour sugar and so on you shouldn't have to put the stuff away and rotate the bags. Drivers hurt shoulders, backs and everything else cuz of the abuse of moving all that crap around.

Food is way better them pop and beer. No better feeling then just drop and run. When a customer says I have no room for that. I'm sorry sir but nothing I can do see ya
Well, in the case that you were kind of clumsy, it would be easier to get away with accidentally dropping most of the products, but a case of long necks? Ain't no hiding that.
Well, in the case that you were kind of clumsy, it would be easier to get away with accidentally dropping most of the products, but a case of long necks? Ain't no hiding that.

One time I knocked over an entire pallet of wine. That's the one thing about food, your stuff can be thrown around a little more then my stuff. Gosh just this week some long neck broke on my truck, couldn't hide that.