FedEx Freight | whats the biggest, or some of the biggest docks fedex freight has?

Can anyone chime in on DEN? Heard that one is pretty big. My barn SAC is a true 174 door facility with no dedicated city doors. We need to wrap up half our hub operation by 3am so city can take over half the dock by 4am.

From some of the other responses it sounds like some of the big hubs have a completely separate city operation .
Now that I think of that you are correct about the doors in C LT.
GBO is about the best oiled machine of any terminal overall that I have been to.

I had to go thru CLT last night, I seriously do not know where they would be able to put more trailers if a big company were to go out.... the loads are mixed with the empties on the empty line... It's a mess there.
CLT gets real fun after 10pm!
this thread is 9 and a half years old, I don't go there anymore
I think their planning on combining PHX and NPX, at PHX yard, which is an abomination. Then allegedly buying new land. But dont have clue as to door total. Maybe...130?