Yellow | Who From This Board Gets The Nomination

Uhmmmmmm........I'm wayyyyyy too sarcastic and narcissistic to be a CEO. I think V should 'assume the position'. Besides, I'd have to kick my chauffeur out of the seat and..............HEY!...I know....I'll be 'V's chauffeur! Can I get a second on that? (here's that narcissistic side of me). I want a 15% pay increase too.
:hysterical::biglaugh: It's a deal!! No golden parachute tho. :d6625240:
smelling funny

In all fairness though...

i previously nominated larryretired, Dictator of the ECI for Prez. Then added Wolf, X475 and a few other ECI's for VP's. I was gonna be on the board. I figured we could get annieo, to actually do all the work and make us look good,but she declined. Something about X475 smelling funny I think it was. :1036316054:
HEY! I'll have you know I'm pretty popular around these parts...
why, even the stray dogs like me, they follow me around and...never mind. :duh: