FedEx Freight | Company seniority

Brennan Huff

TB Lurker
How does company seniority work? I have a city driver below me that has worked here longer, but it was part time dock. If there was a furlough or merge would he have the upper hand as a driver?
Company seniority for all layoffs.
Voluntary furlough by job class seniority and if no takers and it becomes forced then bottom of seniority class are forced. Have not seen any merger since 2008 and that's anybody guess on how that works since I don't know how the Express or Ground consolidation will effect Freight seniority.
Company seniority for all layoffs.
Voluntary furlough by job class seniority and if no takers and it becomes forced then bottom of seniority class are forced. Have not seen any merger since 2008 and that's anybody guess on how that works since I don't know how the Express or Ground consolidation will effect Freight seniority.
I was thinking more on the lines of two freight centers merging. Yes, he would have more company seniority but he was part time for his first year, and I was already a driver
I still don't see any fesable way to work Freight into the Ground/Express mix.

Either they're going to have to go all contract drivers, or eliminate them, and make them actual Fx employees. I can see all Op Cos under one banner, with different services, but not everyone under one roof, with a split between Fx and contract.

EVERY employee being contract would be an absolute $hitshow.
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I was thinking more on the lines of two freight centers merging. Yes, he would have more company seniority but he was part time for his first year, and I was already a driver
Then your class seniority should prevail however with your hypothesis odds of a merging center those employees merging fall right in with their class seniority. Hope that helps.
Company seniority for all layoffs.
Voluntary furlough by job class seniority and if no takers and it becomes forced then bottom of seniority class are forced. Have not seen any merger since 2008 and that's anybody guess on how that works since I don't know how the Express or Ground consolidation will effect Freight seniority.
Just curious, if you need to lay off a dock worker and a driver is junior, how does company work?
Company seniority is the actual date of hire regardless of classification.
That's why I didn't see how you can lay off by company and not job classification.
They layoff by full time start date in the class. I was around in 08 and this is exactly how it happened. 4 guys ahead of me in job class time were laid off and I kept my job because of tenure. Furloughs are by job class.
This is the wording from the policy.

Company seniority in the affected job classification is used to determine which employee(s) is displaced. The
employee(s) with the lowest company seniority in the particular job classification(s) affected is asked to make a
decision regarding employment status based on available options outlined on the Workforce Staffing Decision
form. Volunteering to be identified as a displaced employee is not allowed.
ive been a road driver for 13 years.. ive got 3 guys that are behind me.. they have been with the company for 20 plus years as part time dock workers .. why they waited to be drivers for 10plus years is very odd to me.. how whould that work with layoffs??
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