Yellow | how about a good COO rumor?

How about a good COO Rumor

I don't understand how people don't understand plain english.

I never said anything against Holland or it's workers.

I hope Holland is around forever.

What makes me mad as hell is the IBT allowing the company to close 11 locations and the company telling customers that shipping with YRC or New Penn is just as good, while endtailing the Holland employees.

The Holland employees built that business, they deserve to be dovetailed into these barns and I don't give a rats a** about anybody who thinks otherwise.

I don't believe you understood, what I was getting at. My point is that with all of the negetaive post we are adding fuel to the fire of all of the non-union companies. I agree the decision to close the 11 terminals and the effects to all of the employees was totally uncalled for. The contract states clearly under article 32, that no freight can be taken from one sister carrier and given to another sister carrier. AS far as I am concern the teamsters haven dropped the ball on the whole damm deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about a good COO Rumor

What the heck is a Paducah 1. That sounds like a type of intestinal flu virus, with cramps
How about a good COO Rumor

:shrug:Now that Plan A isn't working time to put in effect Plan B, Oh Chit there is no Plan B
Lets see we have an issue here:

1- Analyze the the situation
2- Establish the goals
3- Identify Alternatives
4- Select the best Alternative
5- Implement the Plan

OOPPPS did we miss step 4 or step 5...... so much for the Job Enrichment