ABF | is ABF doing wrong to me?

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I can't answer that??? Where do I start? I'll give you just two occasions when you were a jackass. There is another thread (I'm sure you recall) where you cited and provided a link to an article. You took the first part of it and cited it as gospel fact when later in the article it was disputed by another contributor to the article, a credible source at that. Funny, as much as you despise President Obama, you took his opinion over that of an economist.

Then in this thread you chose to brag how you never damaged any freight in all your years and miles as a road driver. How 'bout if you tell me just how road drivers might damage freight (other than having a roll over accident).

Please be more specific? I have no idea what you talking about? But Jeff is right. Show me what your referring to in a PM. And as far as damaging freight as a road driver. You think I never delivered freight? I deliver freight all the time. Not as much as you or other city guys. But if there is no local guy at my barn. I'm asked all the time to deliver freight. And on weekends when I have to hook sets, I'm constantly pulling trailers with open doors from the dock, and freight loaded right to the door. I have to be careful there too. Is it a high risk from pulling the dock? No of course not. But its still a concern.

Also I'm not going to get into who has the hardest job. Both jobs are hard, just in different ways. Now, I'm not trying to fight with you. I'm trying to have a civil discussion. Have I once called you a name recently? But having an opinion, be it right or wrong, is not being a jackass.

Ok Jeff, I'm done.
Anyone who has ever worked the dock, running a forklift ,has ,in his or her career damaged freight. Backing into skids on the dock, ' making the last two skids fit ' on the back of a trailer with a roll-up door,forkblades up just a tad too high. There is not a dockworker out there that has not damaged freight.Anyone claiming that is not being truthful.
If your not a Coward, Give the 15% to the company. Put your Money where your mouth is. You Voted to give it up, So give it Up. You want to keep that Brown stuff on your nose, Its cost 15%

Thing about being in a union. Is you should respect other brothers vote regardless of you agree or disagree. By calling others cowards because you disagree with their vote your showing lack of union brotherhood. No one had a crystal ball. No one knew what would happen if the 15% happened or not. You believed we would be fine, I didn't. It has nothing about being a coward or not. Its about believing what is right or not.

Now was I wrong? Time will tell. But looks like I was. But it doesn't matter. Thats why have votes. To express our directions. Grow up, show some respect.
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