Holland | Losing line haul drivers

Just some of the old detention pay tricks we have had drivers use weekly ! like license plate light , tire looks low , pig tail seems loose , mirrors are dirty , smoke breaks , tire has flat spot , kicked off valve stem , leaking daily fluids , spilled coffee , lost truck key , can't find lot exit , can't find truck or trailer when told its on the West side of building & pointed that way :lmao:
I gotta ask, partner. What is, “ leaking daily fluids”? Are you talking about the equipment or the driver?
Had to be YRC guy I suppose. We all know a Holland employee never abuses company time.
I only worked for YRC for a short time when I was laid off from Holland in 12, I did not know any guys that ran meet and greets, I was on a hog board. No, I have a buddy at Holland that does it quite frequently. Why sit at the meet point for free when you can get paid to get trailer lights fixed at terminal. I'm not saying I approve of it but I know for a fact it happens all the time.
I gotta ask, partner. What is, “ leaking daily fluids”? Are you talking about the equipment or the driver?
Both , driver is up to 15 pee delay breaks a day now and other is the daily oil & anti-freeze & power steering & axle & rear end fluids !! and that is the truck's rear end fluids !!:omg i gets present by droneguard 1:

Check out Green Light Laser procedure. You can drive 500 miles without having to drain the air tanks. :smile new:
Very common problems when they know their meet man is getting out late and they don't want to run through!
I think our slip seats were a little different than yours.
They were set up on a 1 hr departure between trips, if your number didn't show up in an hour, you swapped with the next guy coming in.
We didn't switch trailers, swapped tractors and trailers.
I think that's how they worked, I didn't run one for years before they folded.
Most ltls are paying 71-73 per mile plus a good 401 match. Most kids work for a paycheck not bennies. My company just introduced OT for first time ever and the reason they gave is they can’t keep experienced driver and can’t find kids that want this type of work. Compensation is where it’s at guys. Places that pay get the drivers. It’s where the market is at right now
And where do you work