FedEx Freight | Meal Breaks

What's the policy anyway? How many minutes do you have to show on a meet (TO) before punching off duty for lunch? 8? 11? 15? Does anyone have a clear number?
What's the policy anyway? How many minutes do you have to show on a meet (TO) before punching off duty for lunch? 8? 11? 15? Does anyone have a clear number?
Road drivers have to punch out before 8 hours. City drivers before 6.

I have NO idea why there is a different policy. Sucks ass.
At ABF it is 8 hours road & city. Federal regulation. And you have to take it by the 8th hour or clock out & go home. Nobody does 8 & skate anymore, there is to much work. Be sure you take the full 30 minutes. With the computer seeing everything now, you have to watch the clock more than you used to. Being recorded every second you are @ work has changed the job as a truck driver & the industry more than anyone realized. Always has been a hard job & used to be you looked forward going to work each day. Not so much anymore. von.
Can’t speak for city but road drivers have to take their 30 min nanny break before their 8th hour of being “on duty” if we are going to continue driving, if you are done driving by your 8th hour than no nanny break is needed.

It’s a federal law for us so I’m guessing the answer would probably be zero warnings.
Can’t speak for city but road drivers have to take their 30 min nanny break before their 8th hour of being “on duty” if we are going to continue driving, if you are done driving by your 8th hour than no nanny break is needed.

It’s a federal law for us so I’m guessing the answer would probably be zero warnings.
That is correct about not taking a 30 minute break if you don't drive anymore. 98% of the rules come in to effect when you start driving, not working the dock. von.
Can’t speak for city but road drivers have to take their 30 min nanny break before their 8th hour of being “on duty” if we are going to continue driving, if you are done driving by your 8th hour than no nanny break is needed.

It’s a federal law for us so I’m guessing the answer would probably be zero warnings.
Correct. Either you broke the law, or didn't. Possible fine by the Fed's still there. A good company will stay on top of the reg enforcement to avoid the big fines & an unsafe rating.
They makes us go between 3rd and 5th hour for lunch break seems that every state is different. Also same deal on the 31 mins on the ELD.
Hey guys, how many warnings do you get before you are in critical for violating meal breaks?

After the 4th time you are done and yes I know someone who was on critical AND someone who got fired only to be rehired 6 months later. I just read that the FMCSA is now looking into doing away with the 30 minute requirement but I don't see fedex doing away with it because it was mandated before the law due to California litigation.
Policy says between the 3rd and 6th hour, this didn't change for city drivers, for road drivers it's before 8 hrs on duty due to federal mandate. Don't see fedex getting rid of the mandatory lunch even if it is done away with by FMSCA due to the fact that it will save delay pay spent on drivers waiting at meet points. In a perfect world drivers would pull into meets at same time or within a few minutes of each other, but we don't drive in a perfect world. IMHO it should be drivers choice but again fedex will probably still require the meal break.
Policy says between the 3rd and 6th hour, this didn't change for city drivers, for road drivers it's before 8 hrs on duty due to federal mandate. Don't see fedex getting rid of the mandatory lunch even if it is done away with by FMSCA due to the fact that it will save delay pay spent on drivers waiting at meet points. In a perfect world drivers would pull into meets at same time or within a few minutes of each other, but we don't drive in a perfect world. IMHO it should be drivers choice but again fedex will probably still require the meal break.
I always try to take my lunch as close to the 6th hour as possible. We are required to take another 30 minute break after working 8 more hours after taking lunch. So say a driver clocked in at 8:00AM and took his lunch after 3 hours at 11:00AM, he would have to take another 30 minute break if still driving at 7:00PM.
Can’t speak for city but road drivers have to take their 30 min nanny break before their 8th hour of being “on duty” if we are going to continue driving, if you are done driving by your 8th hour than no nanny break is needed.

It’s a federal law for us so I’m guessing the answer would probably be zero warnings.
Interesting... I can't speak for the road (but will look into it), but in the city you have to take it after 3, but PRIOR to the 6 hour mark, even if not driving after that, or even at all that day. I'm told it applies to office, as well. Obviously salaried personnel keep no records of if/when they take breaks.

Interestingly, the requirement for a second lunch break (for drivers, in city) only kicks in 8 hours after the first luck break.
After the 4th time you are done and yes I know someone who was on critical AND someone who got fired only to be rehired 6 months later. I just read that the FMCSA is now looking into doing away with the 30 minute requirement but I don't see fedex doing away with it because it was mandated before the law due to California litigation.
I "think" it only becomes a written/corrective action at 3 violations. Then critical, then 3 day suspension (?), then done. All counted on a rolling 180 day window. Don't quote me on it yet, I'll have to double check. Again, you might be right and it goes to written on the second occurrence. Either way, we are fools to push it that far on a regular basis.

I do recall, before it became a Federal log violation, the penalty was the same for all lunch violations. So, once you missed it, even by one minute, you could skip it entirely and the write up was the same.
We've been told that the break has to be 31 minutes,as the AOBRD goes by seconds,and if you don't have 31, the system,show a violation
Same here.

It is my experience that both the Intermec & the AOBRD must BOTH show at least 30 minutes. Usually the intermec runs faster, and you have to wait for the AOBRD to show 30 before clicking on-duty on either device, as they are linked (somewhat), which often ends up being about 30-40 seconds extra. Sometimes more...
I am thankful to be finished with all this crap, I can tell the DOT to take their ELDs and breaks and stick them
where the sun don't shine.
Just reading you guys posts about this garbage, makes me dizzy headed, you all have my sympathy.
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