FedEx Freight | Raise

If we're going to treat our employees like every other company, then we should expect the same quality of driver, the same results, the same profits, the same ambition, the same level of customer service or lack thereof.
If on the other hand we want our employees to provide superior service, be superior drivers who bring superior results, ambition and ultimately profits...then superior compensation is warranted.
Superior Drive??????
Given the fact that 80% of the driver's I encounter daily are stealing a paycheck from FedEx, I'd say the ship has sailed on the issue of industry leading wages...our so called driver's don't deserve them.

I feel like one of those guys some days. There's too many people and not enough to do. They refuse to send part timers home and I refuse to make less than my 8. And I just found out we're bringing in 10 more driver apprentices .I asked why? Supervisors are asking if we want to leave after 4 or 5 hours. I was told IDK, that's what they want.
. And I just found out we're bringing in 10 more driver apprentices

Not sure who's telling you that. The last "Internal Career Opportunities" posting listed 6 Driver Apprentices COMPANY WIDE. And only 9 Drivers COMPANY WIDE.

The next posting comes out tomorrow. I'll be curious to see if it reflects an increase, or not...
Not sure who's telling you that. The last "Internal Career Opportunities" posting listed 6 Driver Apprentices COMPANY WIDE. And only 9 Drivers COMPANY WIDE.

The next posting comes out tomorrow. I'll be curious to see if it reflects an increase, or not...

I got it from somebody close to the program. Sure enough, on Friday I recurved an alert from indeed notifying me of the new opportunities at FXF.
Depending on what inflation numbers you subscribe to, EVERY FxF employee will make less next year, than they have in the last 18 months.
I think about .30cpm is more than enough for todays drivers, a leisure drive in todays almost non-existent traffic
a nice shiny big rig with all the bells and whistles, hi horse power, no hard driving boss, who could ask for more,
think about all that prestige.