FedEx Freight | Smoking VS Fedex Freight

Dang dude chill out and get a cig or something....

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Im just saying if you break the rules and get canned you have no right to cry foul.They dont enforce much of anything else either,its not just the smoking policy.
I agree on that. The old Baretta themesong comes to mind. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time'. Am I dating myself with that one?
Wanna hear a really funny one? I know of a yard where two smokers share a tractor. Now one is complaining that the other smokes too much and the tractor smells.
I am not a smoker. I say light up. This country was founded on tobacco. The government is helping farmers out. It's called Agricultural subsidy. They tell us not to smoke, tax it and then gives money to farmers to farm it. I guess it's a win, win for everybody.
If smokers could just reach victim status we could get rehab paid for, or even disability, or wait we could get married even Remember smokers we are victims being kept down by the man
I quit because I needed to after 19yrs it was getting hard to crank those trailer legs up and down without having to stop and get my breath. The smell now makes me sick, I guess thats a good thing as I won't ever want to start back. After 9yrs I am smoke free. I feel for my fellow drivers who still smoke. It's a hard habit to get rid of. I have noticed the hostlers standing outside their mules smoking instead of riding around the yard puffing away. It's their rules plain and simple but somewhere down the way DOT could make it mandatory not to smoke just like the weight issue is going to nail the coffin shut on many a truck drivers, smoking could do the same thing. Fedex is all about us workers living a healthy lifestyle so they don't have to pay so much out on health costs.

I worked with someone who was a professional smoker, he was forced to retire early after developing emphysema. Now he can't even enjoy his retirement, sad. He always wanted to quit, but couldn't because he was ADDICTED! The only difference between him and someone in a methadone clinic is??? Smoking was both legal and encouraged for most of his life. I feel that a separate policy should be in play so as not to discriminate those who are already hooked. In essence grandfather in anyone who is already addicted, but hire only non-smokers or those who test nicotine free on a preemployment screening. Eventualy smokers will succumb to the known diseases and be purged from the workplace, but until then don't persecute someone that corporate American helped to create.
So in the meantime the rest of us reformed smokers and nonsmokers get to share trucks with them or inherit trucks that HRO has decided someone else should drive?
They gave one of our guys a red rocket to do a meet.
The nice man with the badge and the gun wasn't so nice when that red rocket couldn't go faster than 35mph against a headwind on the freeway with 37000 lbs.

FDX. FRT. does have a non-smoking policy :Rulz: in effect, it's a policy that they Can't enforce. When I last ran Dayton there were Red shirt's standing right in front of the office puffin away, talking with non smoking red shirt's. Hell ive even seen red shirt's puffin away on the dock between the dock door's. :regretful:
If this post doesn't ruffle some feathers, nothing will. I was a smoker for 20 years. I was able to quit 30 years ago so I can appreciate arguments on both sides of this issue. The company policy on smoking is plain and simple. No smoking in any Fedex facility or company vehicle including company cars. So far its just a policy without any teeth in it, except on the local level in some isolated cases. If the company gets hit in the pocket book over this issue, that will change overnight. If you are a smoker, and you think sprays or scenes will cover up your activities, your sadly mistaken. I won't go into the health issues on smoking, we all know what they are. Smokers feel like second class citizens and rightly so. The politicians have jumped on the band wagon by placing a sin tax on tobacco products. The tobacco company have counteracted by increasing the level of nicotine in their products, making it even harder to become smoke free. Nicotine is one of the most addictive legal drugs on the market. I welcome all replies on this issue. If someone is able to come up with an original thought on this problem that I haven't heard before, I'll be pleasantly surprised. TP
Here's a thought..if a company implements a non smoking policy, how bout having a smoking cessation program on their insurance??? Don't tell me they do, cause I have doctors bills stating otherwise
Lucky- to have a job for now...

I don't smoke yet, my issue is the "dock/fork dirt." It can't be good, wearing a mask is a joke with glasses, a joke period. After working the dock for six to eight hours, my new norm, if at all...I can't imagine what a heavy smoker must feel. I'm coughing all the time now. God only knows what. Try walking off the dock, or signing out-to get a breath of fresh air, or a shower. See what the red shirt says. How long does it take to smoke a cig? Five to seven minutes? Will they pay me to "get air"? Maybe I should start smoking- or at least hold one, for the paid breaks. I think Bob & Tom have a song "I'm working and their smoking." See what happens if you take a break seven to ten times in a shift, @ five to seven minutes each...What are your B.P.H. numbers? I don't care about numbers anymore. What good are bills per hour? We no longer have the customer's freight to move like we used to have as AF or Viking...since it's destroyed, at a rate of six bills a minute. We could improve these numbers to one bill per second-destroyed- the way we're going. Yes, we are losing a high number of customers- ask a city driver. FedEx Freight is not cheap, our customers pay for this service, "guaranteed" to be returned. How pathetic.

There has to be a better way ventilate the docks. Wouldn't something like a ridge vent help? When all the doors are being used, with the winter guards broken/closed, what a joke. Nothing better than sweating like a dog, and the person in front of you "guns" their motor and peppers your face. Sweeping the trailers is another hazard- I clean up the bigger pieces- that's it. You can only imagine what comes out of them.

Smoking/tractors are the least of my/our problems now. I don't drive a tractor long enough to warm it up. FedEx is lucky that smoke ash, coffee, and trash are all that's found in the tractors now, versus a bag of :::shit::: and a bottle of Urinade- "sterlized lemon water". Let them clean them out. :1904:
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At my center they enforce it when someone complains. The ops mgr. goes out inspects the truck and looks for ashes and strong smell. Then you get a write up. After a couple your fired. So don't let the salt fall off those fry's.
At my center they enforce it when someone complains. The ops mgr. goes out inspects the truck and looks for ashes and strong smell. Then you get a write up. After a couple your fired. So don't let the salt fall off those fry's.

Thats how it should be,if it wreaks and one guy has been in it for the last twelve hours that ought to be good enough.