Whether you're for,against,or indifferent to union , all most admit moves by management in past year have been strange. They had to see possible union vote. Their response was to lower hiring standards to lowest in industry, in order to hire cheaper labor.Very little to improve an aging fleet of equipment that spends more time in repair than on the road.Spending a huge amount of money on a handheld device, that has been a joke. One year on programming something that frustrates drivers and wastes a huge amount of man hours. Wonder who got kick back on bad device and poor programming. A CEO who is the invisible man and an arrogant president who seems more focused on trying to prove to drivers he is a tough guy than actually looking to improve things, thats usually a sign of someone who is in over his head, and putting up a smoke screen. I see many posts on here from anti union people referring to YRC. Odd, since the two guys holding your future in their hands came from YRC and were a part of one billion dollar merger that made a few people very rich and left thousands of others in jeopardy.