XPO | To many vans

Talked to day L/H driver.They run XMI.When the get there it is not un-common for them to see 10 to 15 otr trucks sitting against the fence waiting for loads to go west.It also appears the dsrs sit waiting sometimes for hours for the loads to show up from the west.They say its because they are loading more freight into vans at xay(?) to go east and bypass all the day lanes?They used toi run 20-25 dlh runs now they are lucky to see 15.

Not sure how many per day, but XSN and XAY now load vans direct to XSX and maybe XNW. This has cost both a lot of day l/h.
this is going on the last couple years. its now getting noticed because its more and more. talking abut sitting home, in my barn we have allthe smaller terminals come through and pick off freight, thats frustring and there will 4-5 sometimes more sitting then the kicker is u hear that they come back through and drop freight off in the morning. line hall does vias to cover vias they create mty miles in alot of cases. what about theses fos s that cram all in one to make their numbers look good, even if it tears the freight up. that is wats frustrating to me
As long as the numbers are good there is no need to let common sense cloud their judgement. I have given up on trying to make sense of it all and now just smile and nod while Damage Inc. tries to make his or her numbers look good.
more vans on Monday . i looked at the list Fri. company wide we our loosing 20 day runs and 40 night. clark c sent it out and said it was because "cronic sub service lanes "
more vans on Monday . i looked at the list Fri. company wide we our loosing 20 day runs and 40 night. clark c sent it out and said it was because "cronic sub service lanes "

Where are you out of?? I think XAY, XSN, and XLF have lost more than 60 day and night runs between the three. System wide it must be in the mid to high hundreds.. Or is this only for the 14th..
its is 4 the 14th.

That still sounds low to me..

Half the problem with the FAC's out East is lack of drivers. XCW for example, loads vans to XEG and XJP to name a few. Before this, you had more XSN and XAY drivers to work freight.

On top of that XAT is no more.. This used to give us a constant flow of inbound freight from 6:00am till 9:00 am. Now the last XCW gets in at 10:30am..

It is now a daily routine to leave at noon with 4-5 stops on top of a volume load in the city, and driving 250-350 miles.No wonder we are 2hrs late to all the FAC's..