XPO | Union Buster Information, for Management And Employees

The insurance has definitely got worse over the last few years. When I got hired, you got decent coverage after the first 3 months. Now, you have to wait a full 15 months to get the normal insurance. No way in hell I would wait that long for insurance if I had to go back and do it all over again. There's no reason a company this large can't offer decent insurance after 3 months like all the other companies do.

But it all goes back to the fact that this company has done it to themselves. It's their own fault that they can't find drivers because of stupid things like this.

I agree here. People know coming in that they gotta go 15 months with out anything more than emergency care.
7 drivers were sent yesterday to get a drug screening test at LLA Laredo Is that union busting or is it random? This's Being perpetrated by Conway management VP Bruce Moss and VP of operation Neil Smith.
7 drivers were sent yesterday to get a drug screening test at LLA Laredo Is that union busting or is it random? This's Being perpetrated by Conway management VP Bruce Moss and VP of operation Neil Smith.
Union bustin 101 , kill the cancer = disease free company , this is perfect cover to try to eliminate the problem by placing blame on the driver if they fail the screen , no one can yell harassment to the NLRB when Conway gladly fires said driver or drivers for dirty **** ... Stay drug free and vote yes Laredo !
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7 drivers were sent yesterday to get a drug screening test at LLA Laredo Is that union busting or is it random? This's Being perpetrated by Conway management VP Bruce Moss and VP of operation Neil Smith.

We just had them Friday morning. Everybody was grabbing people telling them to wait a minute and let the new guys go inside first.

Big barn here also. So they usually get ten or so at a time.
Union bustin 101 , kill the cancer = disease free company , this is perfect cover to try to eliminate the problem by placing blame on the driver if they fail the screen , no one can ye'll harassnt to the NLRB when Conway gladly fires said driver or drivers for dirty **** ... Stay drug free and vote yes Laredo !

And you say I cry wolf ? Random drug testing is part of being a driver and I have zero sympathy for anyone that pisses dirty.

It's not the companies fault if you ain't clean.
I was just letting you know. You can do what you want. We are doing stuff behind the scenes... not going to put it all out here.

Do you realize how immature that comment sounds? If I was on the fence with what I wanted to do that very attitude would convince me to vote YES YES YES !!!!! That just sounds like maybe you go behind the scenes quite a bit when your not getting your way, like against fellow workers??? Who knows what these scoundrels have done behind the scenes in the past!!!
I was just letting you know. You can do what you want. We are doing stuff behind the scenes... not going to put it all out here.

You must think your talking to a Conway employee! I don't work for your company, you cant scare me with empty threats and intimidation. So save your BS for someone else.
That is a lie. You promised me in all caps. You remember. Don't you ?

And you mislead people saying that something COULD happen. I COULD win the lottery. For F's sakes.
Go back to all my post and repost where i promised a pension and better health care! I never promise anything, I have always said that if the Conway employee's want it then it could be negotiated in a contract.
And YES it could happen, not promising but the possibilities are 50-50 ... right?
Out of pocket maximum is like $5K. And I pay $5.50 a week. With the first $1500 paid. How is that up any poop creek ?
Seems to me like your the only one working within the Conway system that is living in this blue and white bubble of joyfulness and glee. Everything you counter with s blissful. Are you living a lie or are you just in denial?
And the law allows people like you to prey upon them for money by telling them lies about pension and free I insurance. I hope conway legal reads all this stuff so they'll have a case. The so-called pension is mentioned by you, Mr. Joe, and other teamster members several times. It gives people a false sense of security and then they sign cards. I believe that you are making up the fact that several people are contacting your organization. You guys put it out there so that others will think its a good idea to join. If you look at this forum, only a couple people( that are actually currently employed by conway), support you...most of those giving you high-fives and kisses are retired or have quit. But anyways you are breaking the law by promising that stuff.

I know several people who work there that have no part of this forum who are standing in line to sign up!!! If you compare the number of people who work at CW to the ones on this forum, there are only a hand full on here!! The cause goes a lot deeper than this forum, much deeper!!
I know several people who work there that have no part of this forum who are standing in line to sign up!!! If you compare the number of people who work at CW to the ones on this forum, there are only a hand full on here!! The cause goes a lot deeper than this forum, much deeper!!

Well I see the NAY Sayers got a thread closed, I guess if the heat gets to hot get out of the kitchen!! Didn't see no name calling or cussing, just grown boys having it out!!!! Is that the behind the scenes scheme!!!!
Well I see the NAY Sayers got a thread closed, I guess if the heat gets to hot get out of the kitchen!! Didn't see no name calling or cussing, just grown boys having it out!!!! Is that the behind the scenes scheme!!!!
How true... Just think I was just bouncing down the highway mis-spelling words with one finger texting having a civil conversation and ' POOF' site closed ... Just like that !
How true... Just think I was just bouncing down the highway mis-spelling words with one finger texting having a civil conversation and ' POOF' site closed ... Just like that !

Behind the scenes, they'll get ya every time! slippery scoundrels.....
You mean we had gotten well out of control. And like a bunch of children we are testing the bounds of his patience.

He needs to be far more strict. And in time I am certain he will be.

You sound like a broken record, do as I say not as I do kind of fellow!!!!! You know??? Chicken little the sky is falling and all that and everything!!! Just sayin, have a nice day!!
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