ABF | Would love to see O'Brien's face

Now that's a great philosophy... except for the fact that Americans have been seeing those excessive. taxes and all that extravagant spending for decades and never demanded it yet.
We have been complaining trouble is those who can, keep greasing the wheel so we're not heard! I've been saying we need to change over to a national sales tax for the last 40yrs.
Just for a minute consider an America with no income tax. No 75,000 page tax code that only exists to reward political friends and punish political enemies. Where would all the multinational corporations want to be? My guess would be here and with them would come millions of jobs. Jobs that create payrolls.
How do I know that? Only one state is smaller than Delaware but 60% of all American companies are incorporated in Delaware including 50% of fortune 500 companies. Roadway Express was a Delaware corporation. Delaware has no corporate state income tax.
Suppose your paycheck had no federal withholding deduction but there was a federal sales tax. A tax that everyone paid. No avoiding taxes by working for cash. The wealthy pay more because they spend more. No deductions, no exemptions and no forms to file. No reason for the government to know how much you make or where you make it. The best part is that every American would see that tax every day and demand that government stop wasting money.
P.T. Barnum was a prophet for anyone out there who believes this BS...This crap is right out of the corporate playbook...Water boy couches his words in intellectual corporate sound bites and talking points...Sounds good,right?...Knows what he's talking about...He and others like him are nothing but corporate flunkies doing their bidding...''come millions of jobs''...Like those millions of good paying union AND non-union jobs they ''outsourced'' to China,devastating and pauperizing millions of Working Class families,especially those in the Heartland,and by the way,making the CCP the ''economic juggernaut'' it is today...Those millions of jobs?...''No reason for the government to know how much you make or where you make it'':hysterical:...Water boy has got that right!!!!...Delaware=tax havens,tax shelters,shell companies,LLCs,money laundering,drug traffickers,embezzlers,fraudsters....CORRUPTION!!!!...One of the most corrupt politicians in this country's history for the past 50 was the State Senator from Delaware and is now President of the United States!!!!...Need I say more!!!!
P.T. Barnum was a prophet for anyone out there who believes this BS...This crap is right out of the corporate playbook...Water boy couches his words in intellectual corporate sound bites and talking points...Sounds good,right?...Knows what he's talking about...He and others like him are nothing but corporate flunkies doing their bidding...''come millions of jobs''...Like those millions of good paying union AND non-union jobs they ''outsourced'' to China,devastating and pauperizing millions of Working Class families,especially those in the Heartland,and by the way,making the CCP the ''economic juggernaut'' it is today...Those millions of jobs?...''No reason for the government to know how much you make or where you make it'':hysterical:...Water boy has got that right!!!!...Delaware=tax havens,tax shelters,shell companies,LLCs,money laundering,drug traffickers,embezzlers,fraudsters....CORRUPTION!!!!...One of the most corrupt politicians in this country's history for the past 50 was the State Senator from Delaware and is now President of the United States!!!!...Need I say more!!!!
We’re talking about a group that is not on the side of a union or a union member. Illegal immigrants have nothing to do with this. That being said, put them to work. Lots of jobs out there.. You sound angry.
Work has nothing to do with it,they want them ''dependent'' on the government,they want their votes 'forever',to stay in power forever,they want to change the whole 'demographic' of the nation to be 'subservient' to corporate and political power,the 'Great Reset' is upon us...Look where we are now,church going declining,crime,perversion,and hate is prevalent everywhere...They call it diversity,equity,and inclusion....I call it ''Treason''!!!!!
When I lived in New York, I worked at a lot of company's that hired people here illegally. The work conditions were poor and they were paid between 7 and 10 dollars an hour. They were also paid cash, with meant that on Friday, they were prey. It's a lose lose situation all around because they're enriching those that are the real problem, contributing to the crime problem because they won't report anything (being robbed and work conditions) and the wages get driven down because there's an abundance of employees vs employers and they're willing to do it for less.

You can't claim to be prounion and proworker while being ok with the immigration problem. It's hypocritical.
Now tell me something I don't know,been going on for years and getting worse because of illegal immigration,my heart goes out to these people,local towns and cities in the area have illegals congregate at certain locations,sometimes 50/100 hoping to be picked up for a days pay by anyone,landscapers,contractors,etc....hard working and very humble,willing to earn their keep,who knows what the future holds for them and their families...
Work has nothing to do with it,they want them ''dependent'' on the government,they want their votes 'forever',to stay in power forever,they want to change the whole 'demographic' of the nation to be 'subservient' to corporate and political power,the 'Great Reset' is upon us...Look where we are now,church going declining,crime,perversion,and hate is prevalent everywhere...They call it diversity,equity,and inclusion....I call it ''Treason''!!!!!
Were you at the capitol on Jan 6? I thought so.
Were you at the capitol on Jan 6? I thought so.
Intelligent retort,I'm only guessing here,I take it your not a Harvard graduate,you see,I can be a pompous ass when I 'have' to be:1036316054:

''The majority of politicians,on the evidence available to us,are interested not in truth but in power and maintenance of that power.To maintain that power it is essential that people(like yourself)remain in ignorance,that they live in ignorance of the truth,even the truth of their own lies.What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies,upon which we feed''...Harold Pinter....My advice to you,take a course in critical thinking skills,and besides,if the future of this country isn't a concern to a corporate politician like Mike Pence,I know damn sure it's not a concern to ''sheep'' like yourself...Educate yourself,read a book once in a while for Christ sake,and of course....''FOLLOW THE MONEY''!!!!

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