Yellow | YRC Employees opinion on daily bill count


TB Veteran
First off, I enjoy the daily Bill Count thread posted by Remo Williams. Thank You!
I decided yesterday, on a hunch, to return to Sept.8th of 2010 and check the bill count a year ago.
Why hasn't the YRC bill count increased for the last year?
As I see it, the only time the bill count actually increases is at the end of the month.
Don't we employ sales personal anymore?
Or is this another conspiracy thread?
Fired most of the Sales people (cost savings)
OKC/531 went from 6 as YELLOW 6 at Roadway
to a combined 1 (one) salesman
he does the large accounts
Robo calls from GO do the rest
Census Bureau, the Oklahoma City has a total area of 621.2 square miles NOT including out lying towns
1 (one) salesman
If I remember correctly, the big COO last year was designed to get us to run "better" on at least 45,000 bills. We surpass that most of the time now. The number of bills is only half the battle though. How profitable is the freight? More bills doesn't mean much if the margins are slim or the damage claims wipe the profits out. I think that YRC has done a better job of focusing on profitable freight and letting certain accounts get "stolen" by others. I don't miss 53-foot trailers full of a certain company's shoes that have to be sorted and palletized or pallets of clothing in boxes straight from the shipper that look like an homage to the leaning tower of Pisa. Let the part timers at FEDEX and Conway deal with that nonsense--good riddance.

Don't forget that the bill count reflects YRC and not YRCW. We're just one link in the chain.
If the company is so happy to run at half speed then why the hell did the idiots try to double in size??? I forgot.....its the economy stupid. Don't worry...2010 is gonna rock.
If I remember correctly, the big COO last year was designed to get us to run "better" on at least 45,000 bills. We surpass that most of the time now. The number of bills is only half the battle though. How profitable is the freight? More bills doesn't mean much if the margins are slim or the damage claims wipe the profits out. I think that YRC has done a better job of focusing on profitable freight and letting certain accounts get "stolen" by others. I don't miss 53-foot trailers full of a certain company's shoes that have to be sorted and palletized or pallets of clothing in boxes straight from the shipper that look like an homage to the leaning tower of Pisa. Let the part timers at FEDEX and Conway deal with that nonsense--good riddance.

Don't forget that the bill count reflects YRC and not YRCW. We're just one link in the chain.

Wow, this has got to be the most negative post you're wrote!
As far as the junk freight, they should be out stealing it left and right from those guys! After all, yrc has those wonderful $11.90 a hour($14 minus 15%)no benefits, 4 hour casuals to abuse, compliments of the stank onion! rah rah rah!
First off, I enjoy the daily Bill Count thread posted by Remo Williams. Thank You!
I decided yesterday, on a hunch, to return to Sept.8th of 2010 and check the bill count a year ago.
Why hasn't the YRC bill count increased for the last year?
As I see it, the only time the bill count actually increases is at the end of the month.
Don't we employ sales personal anymore?
Or is this another conspiracy thread?
If you compare year over year numbers,the bill count has increased to a daily average of roughly 3000-4000 more bills since around March of this year,from what the #'s were a year ago when we were around 40-43000. Not setting the world on fire, but this thing will not right itself in a month either. Listened to Welsh the other day at 309,and guys were expecting just that. A turn around in a week. He makes more sense than Zollars ever did. Least we can do is give him a chance, and hope that we all can help turn this around.
Unless O/R is significantly below 100, bill count means nothing. Both operating companies did about 75000/day prior to coming together, I know Roadway was below 100, not sure about Yellow. Concentrate on improv1ng O/R, the bill count will take care of itself.
Remember their old bs line about they have to do 60,000 a day to make money. Never understood that one! If you can't make money on say 58,000 what 2 more 1,000 going to do.
I guess just pull anumber out of midair and give the natives something to shoot for so they don't get too restless.
With all the cuts to compensation, selling everything that not nailed down and the rest cut to the bone and they can't make a profit on 48,000 bills, they never will.
Remember their old bs line about they have to do 60,000 a day to make money. Never understood that one! If you can't make money on say 58,000 what 2 more 1,000 going to do.
I guess just pull anumber out of midair and give the natives something to shoot for so they don't get too restless.
With all the cuts to compensation, selling everything that not nailed down and the rest cut to the bone and they can't make a profit on 48,000 bills, they never will.
You're right. Good management brings in the proper number of employees to get the job done, and done with efficiency. Mentally challenged management lay too many people off, don't call in the proper number of man power, leave loads sit along the fence, etc..etc.etc.

The fact of the matter is that if the bill count dropped to 25,000, and the mentally challenged management used the proper number of people, they still should be able to profit at their operation. Not only do the terminals not run properly for a profit, but corporate has spent so much money that it probably wouldn't matter anyway.
To make money at 48,000 they have to trim to 296.5 terminals in the system.
Not trying to start argument Wrench, but Conway,and FedEx both move more bills per day than us,with last I knew(maybe Jeff can help me out on this one),around 220-250 terminals. And I know I will get ripped for saying this,but the other huge competitive edge they have is, we cannot compete with the work rules we have. Their drivers do everything from hooks, drops, fuel, dock work, yard switches, etc. If someone out there can come up with a way for us to compete with this,that would be great. 30 years ago when LTL was about 75% unionized,and 25 non, we were all more on the same playing field. But now it is just the opposite. And as far as the bill count, when you have terminals moving 2.5- 4.0 bills per hour on the dock, hooking less than a set an hour in the yard, you are not going to ever realize profits from increased bill count, because our numbers are about the same if we are moving 30,000 bills per day too. Just my opinion. Off and running eastbound.
I agree with you completely, I've watched the "Jockey" flip the yard moving empties from one side to the other than back again just so he didn't have to work the dock. We need to get over the stick-it to the company mentality and get the job done.
We need to get over the stick-it to the company mentality and get the job done.
Although I do understand why people would want to stick it to the company, my thinking was always a little bit different. My thinking was that if I ever wanted to get my concessions back, this company needed to get turned around. So I always did my job, and did it well. I always slept just fine at night knowing that the company's failure was not due to my laziness. Although my TM and I locked horns often, after the last concession, he made the comment to me...."It shows the true measure of a man to have taken the cuts that you have taken, yet you continue to come in and do a great job around here, and it's appreciated". That meant a lot to me. But that's just how I roll.

Too each their own.
If I remember correctly, the big COO last year was designed to get us to run "better" on at least 45,000 bills. We surpass that most of the time now. The number of bills is only half the battle though. How profitable is the freight? More bills doesn't mean much if the margins are slim or the damage claims wipe the profits out. I think that YRC has done a better job of focusing on profitable freight and letting certain accounts get "stolen" by others. I don't miss 53-foot trailers full of a certain company's shoes that have to be sorted and palletized or pallets of clothing in boxes straight from the shipper that look like an homage to the leaning tower of Pisa. Let the part timers at FEDEX and Conway deal with that nonsense--good riddance.

Don't forget that the bill count reflects YRC and not YRCW. We're just one link in the chain.

OK....I started the original bill count back 6 months before the cOO hearing. The COO was based on a 45K average. I presented the numbers to the COO Committee, and somebody had some explaining to do, as I was reveing them from the same souce they were.

After they came back, they reduced the COO by 10%, kept Springfield breakbulk opened, and based the COO moves on a 41,500 bill count. Keeping track was very important in the COO. My resource was downsized and went to greener pastures.

Remo came to our rescue and carried on the bill count forum and we here will be grateful that he has. it is a true messure of how much we are moving at YRC.

Thanks again Remo for keeping it for us all.....KK
Thanks KK. I continued the thread because I knew you lost your resource.Glad to help you out because I knew what you were using it for, and you probably saved some jobs by knowing the numbers! I`ve passed the baton on to The Big R Guy. Keep up all the good work, one and all.:1036316054:
Thanks KK. I continued the thread because I knew you lost your resource.Glad to help you out because I knew what you were using it for, and you probably saved some jobs by knowing the numbers! I`ve passed the baton on to The Big R Guy. Keep up all the good work, one and all.:1036316054:
Thanks RW. I just like to post facts,and not hear say info.
Almost 2 years later and have we grown?

Seems as though our sister companies have grown.

I heard the YRCF bill count could possibly become resurrected and posted!

Is that just a rumor or a fact?