Yellow | YRC Worldwide Reports Fourth Quarter 2011 Results

Sorry but BZ dug welch a hole he can't get out of. It must have been a Kodak moment when welch first looked at the books and what was done to this company. Pun intended. But if you think that YRCW is going to ever post big profits, you are as crazy as Zollars was stupid. Unless you "yes" men vote in a $6 paycut. Hey $14 is better than $0 right?

Yes man!? I don't think so slim, I'm the farthest thing from a "yes man" that there could possibly be. Not your fault I guess. American Born Teamster Sworn. Let's just pray that we stay in business, I could never work for a non-union outfit. What a horrible thought.
Yes man!? I don't think so slim, I'm the farthest thing from a "yes man" that there could possibly be. Not your fault I guess. American Born Teamster Sworn. Let's just pray that we stay in business, I could never work for a non-union outfit. What a horrible thought.

I'm a 4th generation teamster in addition to some uncles and cousins. Can't even stomach the thought of going to a non-union outfit. This was my last driving job application.
I think it is high time this board was cleansed of all these negative losers.

This pos hasn't made a dime in YEARS. We gave concessions equaling almost a BILLION $ yellow loses hundreds of millions per year still. The equipment is being run into the ground. OR is way too high. Company is over 1,000,000,000 in debt. Pension is endangered. And the company has now said it won't meet its debt covenants. Where is the bright spot? New logo? New name? The old boss is back? You need to join us in reality.
Do you live in A cave???!! If you work for A nonunion co what is the benifit to joining the union??? There is absolutly no difference between yrc and any nonunion co other than they make money and pay more!!

Actually there's not much difference between nonunion and ANY union company - of which there are very few these days, or haven't you noticed.

Your right it is 2012 and the reason it's different is because of p-ssy's like you!!!! It's A different world??? What the h-ll does that mean?

Well, if you would pull your head out from up your a** and look around, you'd see. But from the way you talk that's a hopeless suggestion.

That your willing to work harder for less money because the almighty co tells you to and the union falls into line with them like sheep!!! They brainwash people like you into believing were in this huge recession all the while ABF continues to make money and pays full wages and pension.

Wow, you mean all the talk on the news about the recession is just a con game started by YRCW to get us to work for less? You are profound beyond belief! PS - You're obviously such a talented, productive guy that any company would love to have you. Why don't you go work for ABF where you'll be appreciated.

I'm just wondering buddy how much of A cut are you willing to take in order to preserve this big pay, bonus's and the like for guy's like Welch and his board of cronnies? I would love to own this pos just so I could come up to no sac guy's like you and tell you you'll work for 14 dollars an hour or I'll close the doors!! Guess what you'd still do it !! And you wonder why there's A declice in union membership!!

Actually I wonder how brain dead types like you just don't get it. But then again, that's your problem not mine.
Just keep doing as your told sonny!!! If not they'll close the doors!! I can't help but think how many deceased teamsters are rolling over in their graves!!

Give it a rest joe. Union carriers were easy prey. We never had to fight for a dime. We ***** them for decades. So the great ATM got caught with their pants down and is loaded up with debt and too high cost. Not to worry more give backs. You and the crew helped the struggling giant to get on their feet and you'll keep on doing what the IBT tells you to do to keep YRC rolling.
You guys are and forth.I worked under Mr.Welch.I also feel he is a good principled man.I also know he and Zollars didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things.escpecially about how Zollars and his crew.were stealing money from the people.that made these companies work.
Look,I understand some of the bitterness and mistrust.that some of us couldn't ask for a better leader and business person.that we are all blessed to have in Mr.Welch.The paycuts and pension cuts.alveit that it is a tough pill to swallow.I'm here to tell you.that we are heading in the right direction at yrcw.we will experience some bumps in the road.we will survive.
The management that we have can fudge and skew the numbers any way they want to. If you are told to wait for a load, your job is to wait for a load. They put sleeper teams to bed and run stuff on the rail, they cancel bids that work to make it look like we can't pick up freight so that reddaway is justified in taking it and they work harder to work against you than with you. It's a climate that is created to show(on paper) that they are trying to do something. The reality is that regardless of how much we put in, their numbers are going to show that we are a bunch of deadbeats. They have the magic pen.
You guys are and forth.I worked under Mr.Welch.I also feel he is a good principled man.I also know he and Zollars didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things.escpecially about how Zollars and his crew.were stealing money from the people.that made these companies work.
Look,I understand some of the bitterness and mistrust.that some of us couldn't ask for a better leader and business person.that we are all blessed to have in Mr.Welch.The paycuts and pension cuts.alveit that it is a tough pill to swallow.I'm here to tell you.that we are heading in the right direction at yrcw.we will experience some bumps in the road.we will survive.

Mr. Welch and Mr. Rogers may be good guys but they are relying on the numbers that come from supervisors who aren't worried about anything other than covering their butts. I keep hoping that we are heading in the right direction but there is always a new line coming from management. Drivers are constantly finding contradictions in the company's stories as well as some of the B.S. from the IBT. I think that a lot of us are just waiting to see something rather than taking anybodys word that things are gonna be O.K..
No wolf you are wrong. bend over and take it is what has already happened to you. You have to look around and see who is making money and who is loosing it. The non union lines are making money and are pay and benifits are very very close if not better in some cases. If the union wants to survive they have got to change with the times. The choice is all up to you, yes it would cost some jobs because you just don't need as many to move the freight. Yes the road drivers are going to have to learn to hook a set and break aset and put trailers to the dock. It's just the times we are in. I guess you can look at it this way. at the turn of the century there were all kind of buggy whip makers, but how many are left that didn't change.

Not sure how my disagreement with your ideas made me a Bend-Over-Billy but we'll go with it....Do you really believe Road Drivers hooking sets will make a company Viable? That was the only real money saver I seen from you. I was not sure if you suggested no clock time pay and forgoing Pension, I wanted to give ya the benifit of having some sense. Once "Clock Time Pay" is gone you get all kinds of "Clock Time" me. And may I suggest when ya start paying dues ya then get the right to tell my union how things should be. I tell ya what ya got to look forward to $14- $16 an hour no mater if ya have a card or not....Ain't gonna be long no American is gonna haul Mexican frieght,,,,I seen it with the Canadian Border it will happen again....And if nobody wants to insist on a pension and work by the mile without Delay time it is not something I concern myself with......So get with the times man..your gonna enjoy it.
Rifraf.I agree with you.the numbers aren't always true.lack of truth in transparancy.or none at happens at our terminal
"The pay between union and non union is real close if not equal" ??? Really ...... I wonder why that is ?? Ya think UNION wages has anything to do with you making... "close if not equal wages in your NON- UNION COMPANY ??? :butt kiss: