Yellow | %10 giveback poll

Look, if you think this is all about the concessions, you WRONG! It's a done deal, even if every single ballot was marked NO. We can't stop that train, but after it rounds this concession corner and gets on a straightway of pension reform, then it's all down hill. There will be no stopping this runaway train once it gets rolling down that hill, until it derails.

If we don't send a message, a wake-up call, there will be no stopping them. You all are not fools and I am not a fool, don't be fooled. If you think this is bad, it only gets worse.

The 250,000,000 they are saving in these concessions are just a small piece of their puzzle. You had better be paying close attention to this pension reform, because there are billions at stake. And, that opens so many different doors for YRC. ABF comes into play also, on this pension reform.

Should YRC fold, who will be held responsible for YRC pensioners? Not ABF.. not under the reform YRC seeks. You see it's a win/win situation for YRC, they get their concession that's a given, maybe the banks come into play, and YRC plays their hand and folds... gone out of business.

There is way more here than meets the eye. Brothers just be on your toes and don't take everything at it face value. It's like when someone is trying to sell you something or your trying to sell something, the seller is almost never completely honest or forthcoming, why because you wouldn't buy it. You all have brains, you chose organized labor, lets just make sure they know we're using them.

Pay close attention to this pension ordeal, it could be pivitol.
How low will you go?

We have ALREADY given concessions. It's called the NMFA. We gave utility employees, 4 hour $14.00 an hour casuals, laid-off employees now have to work 3 days to get their health coverage, feeble raises etc

We received a letter from Mike Smid, pleading with us to vote for that concessionary contract. Smid said in his letter that it would give YRCW the TOOLS to compete in the market and prevail...DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?? What did Zollars just say. "... now we will be able to compete with the nonunion..."


Quit fooling yourselves. We haven't even voted for this giveback yet and Zollars has already been quoted in the media saying that he doesn't think YRCW should pay for pensioners who retired from companies that have since gone out of business.


These are the guys who sacrificed to build this union and while I do realize that our union has many faults, I, for one, am thankful as hell that I am a Teamster member and I thank all those Teamsters who came before me.

If you believe that you will be done giving back with this 10% you are fooling yourself.

Some of you people make me SICK. Grow the hell up and stop being babies. take a look around you and appreciate what you have. There are MANY people who work A LOT harder for A LOT less.....
We are putting a baid aid on a gaping hole! Everyone I talked too thinks it is over! I see alot of people on here calling those of us willing to stand and call there bluff by voting NO meesters, It depends on your point of view! I could say everyone saying lets vote yes and milk it for a few months longer as meesters also.

In another post, I said this Union was around during the Great Depression, I bet anything the Teamsters of old would have stuck togather and voted NO! (Call there bluff! Then demand Zollars resign and sell the china based company!) In a crappy economy. This company is out of control.

Mr Sweeny couldnt even guarntee YRCW will make it. Told us if we didn't like Glenn Moore coming in and taking our freight go work there! Take the pay cut! Told us at the meeting, We never told you to vote yes on this contract! They never said this would help the company be competitive, and survive! He got a VERY LOUD YOUR A BS LIER!

The penison is bankrupt even if YRCW makes it. The next contract we will end up being forced to going to some type of 401K. I have a friend that called CS during the beginning of this finiancial meltdown, Right in front of me. Talked to a man administrating our plan, asked some questions and in no uncertian terms inadvertitly admitted the plan is doomed unless it is completly rerformed!

This ship has already sunk based on the facts, They could'nt even tell us which 11 banks YRCW is indebted to when asked. Played dumb but kept pointing out how they had spent weeks meeting with the banks. No matter what we do I believe this economy will continue to get worse, and worse! Everything I read says so. Until 2011. Or so. These banks will call the notes on YRCW when they start having an influx of other creditors filing bankruptcy, and they can't repay the Goverment the bailout payments the owe.

We would be better off to be forced to go look now where we might have a fighting chance to find a job. I know what your going to say, Then quit, No, I can't I have obligations that make me ride this ship till it really sinks! Or I would!
We are putting a baid aid on a gaping hole! Everyone I talked too thinks it is over! I see alot of people on here calling those of us willing to stand and call there bluff by voting NO meesters, It depends on your point of view! I could say everyone saying lets vote yes and milk it for a few months longer as meesters also.

In another post, I said this Union was around during the Great Depression, I bet anything the Teamsters of old would have stuck togather and voted NO! (Call there bluff! Then demand Zollars resign and sell the china based company!) In a crappy economy. This company is out of control.

Mr Sweeny couldnt even guarntee YRCW will make it. Told us if we didn't like Glenn Moore coming in and taking our freight go work there! Take the pay cut! Told us at the meeting, We never told you to vote yes on this contract! They never said this would help the company be competitive, and survive! He got a VERY LOUD YOUR A BS LIER!

The penison is bankrupt even if YRCW makes it. The next contract we will end up being forced to going to some type of 401K. I have a friend that called CS during the beginning of this finiancial meltdown, Right in front of me. Talked to a man administrating our plan, asked some questions and in no uncertian terms inadvertitly admitted the plan is doomed unless it is completly rerformed!

This ship has already sunk based on the facts, They could'nt even tell us which 11 banks YRCW is indebted to when asked. Played dumb but kept pointing out how they had spent weeks meeting with the banks. No matter what we do I believe this economy will continue to get worse, and worse! Everything I read says so. Until 2011. Or so. These banks will call the notes on YRCW when they start having an influx of other creditors filing bankruptcy, and they can't repay the Goverment the bailout payments the owe.

We would be better off to be forced to go look now where we might have a fighting chance to find a job. I know what your going to say, Then quit, No, I can't I have obligations that make me ride this ship till it really sinks! Or I would!

Well, I was at the same meeting you were at, and I have to say, I drew a compleatly different conculsion than you did. I thought GS answered the questions, as best he could, but didn't suger coat anything. I also thought most of the questions that were brought up, really didn't have anything to do with they business at hand. I also noticed, not a single Roadway driver ask any questions, it was all Yellow people doing all of the talking. Not that that means anything, other than I think Yellow and Roadway people may think differently regarding the pay cut.
Ask yourselfs did the companies that ask for a pay cut before are they still in business? No they closed after 6 months or sooner the ship is going down brothers oh, ask the union if they will find you a job after the ship is sunked, I dont think so they will not know you because you will not be paying your union dues. By the way are union dues going 10% down if this is passed ?
Ask yourselfs did the companies that ask for a pay cut before are they still in business? No they closed after 6 months or sooner the ship is going down brothers oh, ask the union if they will find you a job after the ship is sunked, I dont think so they will not know you because you will not be paying your union dues. By the way are union dues going 10% down if this is passed ?

Preston lasted 5 years, and then Yellow pulled the plug on us.
The union won't be able to find us jobs because there are no jobs out there.
Yes union dues are going down 10% also. Even my local's officer and
administrative salaries are going down as well.
All the info, is out there... education is the key and ignorance is bliss. I doesn't matter what I think or you or anyone, the deteriation has begun and it's like caner. Give 'em this and they will surely want more, to what end is the real question. The YES vote may buy us a few months, but it will cost us years. Are you willing to trade on fear and greed?

Where is the info? You spew out information as if it were gospel, yet you give no proof to back up your statements. Give us some links. Give us the location of the information as I and KK and just about most other posters here do. I made a post in another thread. I linked to the summary of the plan and Q & A about the stock warrants. I posted everything I heard at my meeting. You can find it all here... And for the record. Not only are my executive board my business agents, they are also my friends and former coworkers. I have been to numerous social and personal gatherings with all of them. We have been through good times and bad times together. None of them have any reason to sugarcoat or misinform anyone that they represent. Therefore, if they tell me, YRC has no more money, YRC needs the giveback, the banks will call in the notes and shut us down to secure their money, then by all means, I believe them. If you want to call them fear mongers, go right ahead. I was also told something, that at the present time, I am not at liberty to divulge, but as mentioned in the linked thread above, it is GINORMOUS. Until you show us some proof with your posts, then maybe you should just keep your ideas to yourself.
I thought these boards were here so we could exchange ideas.

If we all kept our ideas to ourselves there would be no reason for the boards
I thought these boards were here so we could exchange ideas.

If we all kept our ideas to ourselves there would be no reason for the boards

I'm all for exchanging ideas too. The point I was making was that if someone is going state something as fact, then he or she should post a link to back up their statement. Otherwise it's just like a F A R T.......every A S S H O L E does it.
I Think they concessions suck. But if you read the facts and watch the videos from the 2 man meeting they are absolutly necessary. Without them JP Morgan will pull the plug and by by YRC. That is completely the last thing I want to see. We all need to keep our union jobs and come back to fight another day. I also feel that the managment needs to be held accoutable. They got all of us here and they need to fix it without those big bonuses they are used to. I thought a bonus was only for when you did good. They still got theirs while running this good cimpany ino the ground. Shame on you!!!!!!
Where are your facts pertaining to the banks calling in the notes? If YRCW said the sky was falling, would you believe them? What if the IBT said it? They cried wolf too many times. Too many lies, can you say "best contract." why hasn't Hoffa and Tyson called me yet, concerning my vote for this chit. YRCW does have other options if the notes are called in. I fear for our great union with some of you brothers out there. You honestly think I'm voting NO for myself... I'm doing it for the good of all teamsters, past, present, and future. I'm sure glad our past brothers didn't bend over and kiss asssssss.
If you have somekind of GINORMOUS info, don't you think it would be best to share? So that we can make a better informed decision. Better start putting the big picture into focus and start asking why something are being said and done. We have no more say in this, than we had in the last three Presidential elections. Ever stop and think what kind of sweetheart deal was made between Hoffa and President-Elect Obama, for pledging our votes. I did, and I think it has alot to do with pension reform. WHAT? Yes, Hoffa is in support of YRC's pension reform request. That shouldn't come as a big surprise to the informed, because this isn't his first encounter with pension reform. Some of you may remember him supporting the idea of supplementing the pensioners with social security, like the auto workers. I wonder how that's working out for the auto workers... Yrc is not reinventing the wheel here, there are proven tatics that work. You need to pull in the big picture, this is global economics and we are but a small piece of the puzzle. Do you honestly think you will be saving your job... look I don't want to get on my soap box and start preaching to the masses.

Pay attention to the details and timelines. Think back, to what was said and done. All these actions begin to add up and point us in a certain direction that leads to an end or goal. Our job is to figure out what that goal may be, I assure you our goals and that of YRCW are not the same, the IBT is now held in contempt. Hoffa has his deal with Obama and the pension reform will go through and it will be a sad day for the AMERICAN WORKER. This is bitter for me to swallow, but I'm afraid it's out of our control and we are merely along for the ride. That doesn't mean we can't send a message, even if it won't be counted, read, or heard. God Bless the United States of America and God Bless each and everyone of You. GoodNite.
Where are your facts pertaining to the banks calling in the notes? If YRCW said the sky was falling, would you believe them? What if the IBT said it? They cried wolf too many times. Too many lies, can you say "best contract." why hasn't Hoffa and Tyson called me yet, concerning my vote for this chit. YRCW does have other options if the notes are called in. I fear for our great union with some of you brothers out there. You honestly think I'm voting NO for myself... I'm doing it for the good of all teamsters, past, present, and future. I'm sure glad our past brothers didn't bend over and kiss asssssss.

There will be no future Teamsters if you vote no. What part of this don't you understand? If you want more facts than those that I have linked to, then just check out Yahoo Finance, AOL Finance, any finance site and you will find the information. I'm still waiting for you to show us just one link that backs up any information that you are posting. I don't necessarily believe what the IBT puts out, but I do believe my Local's Officers, and I mentioned why earlier.
If you have somekind of GINORMOUS info, don't you think it would be best to share? So that we can make a better informed decision.
I really wish I could spill the beans on this, but as I mentioned it is based on specualtion. However, it has come down through reliable sources. If this were to be made public by me, it might have negative ramifications for the process, higher on up. However, I can safely guess, that if everyone knew this would definitely happen, they would all vote yes in a heartbeat. While I am not saying it definitely will happen, my information is, that there is a very good chance that it will. I wish this was enough to possibly change your mind, however, from what I have concluded, you are pretty set in your ways.