ABF | 1500 signing bonus

I hear you Muler. I read and read but no one comes up with anything, meetings in some cities on reform turn to blame Hoffa just like blame judy but no ideas. It seems as if everyone is whipped and no one has our backs if trying to do anything from ground level. Greivances, local meetings, fund meetings, meetings with IBT reps, we get whipped, if someone has an idea how the dockmen, drivers, shop guys, etc can get the upperhand on our unions issues, I am in.. One thing I overly agree on is division, it should be a starting point.. A big group hug is needed by union members..
Well let's just start with the newest issue of the BY-LINES.
As you can all see the very first article is from our President and CEO of abf. Now before I get to his actual article I would like to present how my article would have read if I were the President and CEO.

Well fellow abfer's as you can all see we are back on solid footing as for turning a profit. I would like to take this opportunity to THANK each and every employee of abf for this monumental accomplishment. If not for all your sacrifices and hard work our company would not be here today so for all that you have done THANK YOU!

But please let's not stop trying to improve on the way we do our jobs. I would like nothing more than to pay out the promised bonuses each and every opportunity given. So if we all strive for the best we can do then I am SURE that we will once again sit atop the freight world once again.

But that is not what was said.

The article is titled Myths Versus Reality.

I will quote what Mr. Slagle said.

"Our need for PT is primarily for three purposes: to reduce empty miles, to handle large product launches or customer rollouts or for peak times. In most cases,PT cost more per mile than dispatching our own drivers This analysis considers all cost, including wages, fringe, fuel,desperation,ect. Absent the conditions above. It doesn't make sense for us to use PT. "

Now lets take this quote and point out how just why it falls short in the REALITY DEPARTMENT!

Reality if PT cost more than using an abf employee then our executive team would be guilty of their obligations to the shareholders. So let's look real close at that quote and see the misleading parts.(now understand I am not saying there are any lies in this quote just people playing on what they see as our short coming EDUCATION!)

This is a pretty strong statement if it was the whole article. But it is not"Our need for PT is primarily for three purposes: to reduce empty miles, to handle large product launches or customer rollouts or for peak times. In most cases,PT cost more per mile than dispatching our own drivers.

But here comes the the part where our lack of education and our lack of paying attention to detail come into play. In the very next sentence Roy say's"This analysis considers all cost, including wages, fringe, fuel,desperation,ect. Absent the conditions above. It doesn't make sense for us to use PT.

Do you see how just a period or comma makes it sound possible? Of coarse it would cost more to use PT if you deducted our wages,fringe benefits, fuel and so on and so forth.then the next statement say's it all.

"PT allows us to bid on product launches that we couldn't price competitively(and win from non-union carriers) to bring freight into our network. In that way. PT actually generates additional work for our terminals that we wouldn't have had otherwise." Here he comes out and say's PT is cheaper.
So instead of getting angry with Roy I want to THANK him for clearing up a MYTH that PT cost more than using one of us. So now when you sit home and a Baylor or any of the the other **** companies pull our work you can rest assured that the best interest of our shareholders is being protected.

For every **** you see pulling our work that is one less Brother paying into the pension and health care funds and I can't wait to hear how they will try and show that as a MYTH!

So as far as Muler is concerned it is a MYTH to believe that anyone other than us doing the job will ever benefit US THE abf TEAMSTERS! YOUR BROTHER ALWAYS!
I cant disagree... And for our Union to allow it.. FYI I was reading PT reports last night, most reasons if not almost all, were "empty miles". Lets not forget the disappearing ball trick, you know the one the three cups, ball under one, move cups around?
Outside carriers come into Atlanta with THEIR empty trailers , drop them on our yard, them hook to one of OUR sets.Actually had a Werner driver ask me for directions. I just owned away in silence....