FedEx Freight | american freightways?

I have had great luck with the POS shop the guys at night there are great ,no matter what they try to get you going,My tranny quit working there was fixed the next day they are great.I alway had good luck with YNG also........
dinkweed said:
Hi, Originally it was Garrison Motor lines till Union pressure made Sheridan Garrison close. Then re-opened under the name of Arkansas Freight lines, inthe 90's changed name to American Freightways. then sold to FXF

I had heard they were union, but the reason for the close down was a divorce, or so I heard, not that it matters but anyone out there know for sure?

Momoney said:
Since your on the subject. Remember one time had a problem with the Day. shop called the hill the next day Sheridan Garrison was all over the situation. By far the best CEO to work for. Name to remember, how about ( WOODY DONNAR ) DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING MORE!

I beleive I still have the AF dispatch monthly magazine with him on the front cover ,also talked about Ind I guess the new center was opening about the same time ,told of how great a man Woody was ..................
Nahh, that won't work, believe me I tried EVERYTHING!! LOL.

I know that usually works if the check ecu comes on by itself or the vorad fails, but when this deal happens it's dead in the water.


I like like when my Vorad fails, I get to go 70+ in cruise, Just cant find that dvir book right now!:1036316054:
Nahh, that won't work, believe me I tried EVERYTHING!! LOL.

I know that usually works if the check ecu comes on by itself or the vorad fails, but when this deal happens it's dead in the water.


I like like when my Vorad fails, I get to go 70+ in cruise, Just cant find that dvir book right now!:1036316054:
sat morning sups were hollerin at people for talking without knowing if it was freight related. then was told the talking was going to stop around here what about having fun? people first!