FedEx Freight | Are we merging or not?

If they did this when Fedex bought Watkins, think about how the 106 terminals real estate value would probably have been doubled what the market rates are now.
Next point, believe everything is all good and maybe buy a nicer house close to your terminal and THEN..................SPLAT!!!!!!!! Corporate America Sucks!
They should have done this right away! Did you know that YRC bought Roadway? Does this sound familiar? I'm loosing my marbles to this!
We on the other side have been telling you guys for years not to trust Freddie Boy ,but ya had too many:butt kiss:saying how great Fred X treats everyone it was just a matter of time as you all can see it was just a great facade. Ya all should have figured what kinda guy he was when he threaten all those politicians if they didn't vote the way he wanted them to, cancellation of air plane orders threatening to buy foreign made planes . He got those two senators from Tennessee eating out of his hands , they'll give him anything he wants . Hope this ain't an other YRC there are a lot of similarities.
I don't think telling everyone "I told you so" is what people need to hear right now. This deal was not a personal attack against anyone it was all business and yes many families will now suffer. This is big business and all of them are the same, ruthless.

I will say this. Fred Smith is a smart man after all he is buying airplanes and I'm just trying to catch one.