Yellow | Bankruptcy Update From IBT

Sounds like you can file for šŸ’° owed but we're looking after it but man we wish you open up as a freight moving company again please we need those dues and pension payments or the ::shit:: will hit the fan
I can't help but wonder how much time that's going to waste, slowing down this already lengthy process. Going to be lots of duplicate claims that are going to have to be reconciled. Conflicting amounts for the same creditor going to delay even more so. Does the IBT then file a claim to be handled as an administrative cost, along with all the legal fees, getting paid for their time right off the top? The higher the admin costs the less pie there's going to be for the unsecured creditors to split.
He said all they have is abf and transforce. No they have this company called UPS . And UPS still has an air freight division.
The original post was about freight. Air freight is not ltl freight. Neither are school bus drivers, police, janitors, etc.
Just in case you forgot. I know it has to be getting close to your nap time.
Maybe you need a nap to clear your head so you'll comprehend what the original post is about.
Sob killed organized ltl freight good luck organizing transforce will be the next yellow buy buy buy companies then collapse good luck to those still paying dues honestly the other side isn't bad as long as you work and know whaut you're doing
So you're saying he would have killed off the next to the last of the legacy LTL companies even sooner than the Meathead.
Whats next with you, going to blame SOB for the potential auto workers strike? Time to blame $hit management for the last 15 years. Donā€™t blame the new leadership for an inherited mess. The problem is youā€™re out of the game so long you donā€™t know what was going on. Believe you me the yellow drivers I know knew what was going on & the ones that didnā€™t were in total denialā€¦.