Yellow | Chicago revote?

well we just havent gotten up with our stewards to find out what the little things are, meeting was only yesterday and I believe most of the stewards I know are all tuesday starts, so should know more then. vote wont be right away, so we have time to find out whats being voted on. The BA was there today, but I dont talk much to him, I cant get past his breath, so either I sit far away and dont hear or waikt till I here from stewards.
well we just havent gotten up with our stewards to find out what the little things are, meeting was only yesterday and I believe most of the stewards I know are all tuesday starts, so should know more then. vote wont be right away, so we have time to find out whats being voted on. The BA was there today, but I dont talk much to him, I cant get past his breath, so either I sit far away and dont hear or waikt till I here from stewards.

Its my understanding that they let us have little stuff, like they are going to pay the grievance's that they said had no money to pay before, that's an even trade, thousands for millions, mmm let me think, NO
oh im sure its nothing, but they had to change something to make union come back to us as he said he wouldnt do unless they changed stuff. I keep you all posted but Im sure some others can get a better handle on all this and fill in the many blanks I have left...
You people in Chicago land must be on drugs to not see what your doing to yourselves. I know drivers that haven't worked in 8 days because there running freight around Chicago. How easy would it be for them to build back up MIlwaukee, Southbend,Akron, Toledo, Indy, Memphis RockIsland, Nashville and just say screw Chicago Hgts. Wake up before they lay more of you brothers off. Before they lay you off go out and see if you can get another job comparible to the one you got. Wake up before more of you get layed off Chicago Heights!

Looking forward to get laid off. Who wants to work for 5% over unemployment rates for the next 18 months, and work like a slave day in/out. You would need to get your head examined. YRC stands for... (Y) Your (R) Retirements (C) Cancelled. VOTE NO, and shut 309 down. I will be glad to walk away knowing that 309/YRC didn't get the best of me. I do what I have to do to get by, and I will be fine. :smilie_132:
You people in Chicago land must be on drugs to not see what your doing to yourselves. I know drivers that haven't worked in 8 days because there running freight around Chicago. How easy would it be for them to build back up MIlwaukee, Southbend,Akron, Toledo, Indy, Memphis RockIsland, Nashville and just say screw Chicago Hgts. Wake up before they lay more of you brothers off. Before they lay you off go out and see if you can get another job comparible to the one you got. Wake up before more of you get layed off Chicago Heights!

They are laying off at all the terminals its the 3q, if they can afford to jeopardize their business by rerouting, then guess what they will do it anyway, after they terminate us from the pension fund. They don't care about customer satisfaction they care about their wallets being satisfied
I WOnder

seems the word going around 309 is NO!! we see if the ones that SAY they are voting no will actually say no. I was pleasantly surprised a couple months ago, thought I may have been the only one to say natta
I hear that 705 had a local union meeting today? any news on this, I hear big lay offs are coming Monday for them, I hope it's only bull ::shit::

Havent heard a word about 705, or from 705, the TDU guys are still trying to get them UPS wages from the last contract.
Chicago Heights votes no and brings down YRCW(good) or they vote yes(bad) and eventually YRCW is non-union just like CF-Conway.
A lot of people voted no at CF, they did not take any crap from the company!
Most of them got jobs at Yellow/Roadway. So I guess it is a no Brainer which
way to Vote!
Well the Holland guys Ive talked to are not going to vote again, they've said no and there not going to vote on the same proposal again. They said YRC will be coming back with another proposal, sometime nexted week, does anyone think that will happen?

My hat is off to anyone who can beat the machine but you went to school for at least 12-13 years. Who was more determined then New Penn? A no vote will not mean they will come back with another proposal. YRC will suffer any hardship or even loss of customers or what ever to have it their way. This is not CF or OL Yellow. It's non-negotiable Roadway. The consequences of standing up against the machine could be nasty. Ask New Penn
My hat is off to anyone who can beat the machine but you went to school for at least 12-13 years. Who was more determined then New Penn? A no vote will not mean they will come back with another proposal. YRC will suffer any hardship or even loss of customers or what ever to have it their way. This is not CF or OL Yellow. It's non-negotiable Roadway. The consequences of standing up against the machine could be nasty. Ask New Penn

hows that song go?.... if you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything... If we vote yes, yrc will be back in a months time and be looking for the other 7% they can take or want help with the health pymnts... you have to draw the line somewhere, or they will continue to take take take... I for one am willing to take the risk. I can sit at home and make 98% of my 40hr check from unemployment. its not like Im working with/for a pension or something.
Did Grand Rapids and Gaylord vote it down also?
We didn't have a re-vote. That was a different subject that he was referring to. That was Local 406, in Michigan. We have a problem with them re-hiring a labor rep for the company, while they supposedly have a "management hiring freeze". (Our pay concessions are paying this guys wages.)

Check out the "hot of the Fax" tread over on the Holland forum for the full story.
YRC will move the frt. around no matter what the HTS. votes on, I hear Milwaukee is getting more jeeps and yard equipment by the end of the month from the ridge? anyone has any input on this?
YRC will move the frt. around no matter what the HTS. votes on, I hear Milwaukee is getting more jeeps and yard equipment by the end of the month from the ridge? anyone has any input on this?

Ive heard that they will reopen the term. on Layton Ave. again if its voted down again
Ive heard that they will reopen the term. on Layton Ave. again if its voted down again

we are still getting supervisor desks, yellow files from yellow, tires for forklifts, and truck parts from other terms, so if they were wanting to shut us down they are sure stockpiling stuff at the hgts
think of it as a casino game..'yes' you lose and 'no' you lose more