XPO | Direction of Conway

Yeah, that was a couple years ago...we were just talking about that the other night..me and another driver. They can't seem to get one program down, before starting another. I like working nights..I never hear anything about anything anymore..I don't go to the meetings or nothing..just what I hear on here.

I think maybe I should have went back to the road. All this hearing about everything gives me stress. Road drivers running on about a bunch of BS that never happened is way better for my health.
Wasn't too long ago i remember a video of "getting back to the basics." Whatever happened to that? It's not aerospace engineering....it's the freight biz.

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Conway is trying to be different whether it makes sense or not...
my brothers , keep your eyes on the northeast . We are coming like a sledgehammer . Enough is enough .

I know some that drove 6 hrs to a group talk involving about 40+ drivers in the central states. Outcome loosely organized. Hope you guys got it together.
Back when we were doing the dock with pen and manifests, these people were making money hand over fist. The O/R was great and everyone was happy. Then they wanted technology from the 1990's and things went down hill. Now we get updates to the computer system in the middle of the re-ship and everything comes to a grinding halt. I heard that we were going to get updated hand helds. Oh great, now we will have technology from the year 2000 with no improvement. Thats alright. By the time that happens, there will be dock workers at the re-ship and drivers will drive. We'll see how that works for them.
my friends , you are so right . I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees . ? Did you get your new " hook - pallet jack - lock up " sequence? like we are trained circus monkeys . Oh , F_THAT!
That's the only hope for this Tyrannical outfit!!
I'm not saying what anyone should do but here is the view of union and non- union. I was with a non-union co. For 14 yrs. and then Yellow 24 yrs. till retiring last year. The obvious things are as follows. You have a job description in a contract. You do your job, your supervisor does his job, and you go home. Favoritism is much harder for a supervisor because the contract is clear. You go to work and if by some bad chance you have an accident, you can go home knowing that many years of service are not gone because of one mistake, (JOB SECURITY). Family coverage insurance with the best coverage in the nation at no cost to you. Not one penny do you pay for complete family coverage(what a blessing). All of this for 2 1/2 hours of pay a month for union dues($58 in the south). Due to YRC, the union and the company agree more now than ever. But all of the job security issues are still in tact. Hope this gives you a little insight from a teamster that has seen both sides.
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the funny spin here is my when I told my Terminal Manager that YRC still had Free health care and that it was better than Con~ways he looked at me and said no they gave that up too in the most recent contract agreement !! A lie of Course thats all Con~way knows how to do !!

I'm not saying what anyone should do but here is the view of union and non- union. I was with a non-union co. For 14 yrs. and then Yellow 24 yrs. till retiring last year. The obvious things are as follows. You have a job description in a contract. You do your job, your supervisor does his job, and you go home. Favoritism is much harder for a supervisor because the contract is clear. You go to work and if by some bad chance you have an accident, you can go home knowing that many years of service are not gone because of one mistake, (JOB SECURITY). Family coverage insurance with the best coverage in the nation at no cost to you. Not one penny do you pay for complete family coverage(what a blessing). All of this for 2 1/2 hours of pay a month for union dues($58 in the south). Due to YRC, the union and the company agree more now than ever. But all of the job security issues are still in tact. Hope this gives you a little insight from a teamster that has seen both sides.
the funny spin here is my when I told my Terminal Manager that YRC still had Free health care and that it was better than Con~ways he looked at me and said no they gave that up too in the most recent contract agreement !! A lie of Course thats all Con~way knows how to do !!
While just touching on the high side of things, I forgot to mention about the overtime that starts on everything over 8- hours a day. This is a BIG MONEY MAKER.(if you work 3 days at 10 hours per day, you accrue 6 hours of o.t.( at $33 or $34 an hour). You do not have to meet any kind do (anything over 40 hour rule). The line haul drivers make a killing with their hook and drop pay, layover pay, and breakdown pay. If their loads are not ready after 8 hours in a motel, they go onto delay pay also.(full dock scale)
Yes , you are touching the main issues . You say , " CIGNA" to someone and they don't even know what your talkin about.

Good point with the OT after 8 . Every one of us knows damn well that is next on the chopping block . cnwy copies what OD does .

It's really a " race to the bottom " in essence . Who can pay their chimps the least . If I had to bet , I'd say no OT after 8 , then what ? AFTER 50!!
This is a funny thread. I think what bothers people most right now is that Con-way has NO DIRECTION !
Conway guys--just so you know, Over at FEDEX, all we have is Part Time help except for the mechanics and managers and drivers. They can't find drivers so they pull guys off the dock, train them to drive for 2-4 weeks then turn em loose. I have never seen anything like it--so it loks like we and you are both going in the wrong directions. IN one of you other threads they talked about a 40 mile line run then dock work , boy some of our guys would like 40 miles one way--we have a 16mile run one way paid by the mile, then dock time on the clock for a few hours then off the clock and back on the line run back to the terminal now that really sucks. So don't think you guys are the only ones going in the wrong direction!! Oh and don't forget the increase in Purchase Trans and the almighty Rail Road!! God luck over there