Yellow | Good bye yrc Meesters

That is where your wrong NEVER vote once yes for any contract and I did vote.And was on every picket line!!!
I believe his comment was meant for Plunger Joe. Best of luck to you on your retirement. Enjoy it to the fullest.
ya right..the Hostess bakers couldn't see the stronger hand the company had either, they walked and took down 7000 teamsters with them. Hostess sells off for $350M. Oh well they still held their head up high on the way down. It's not that you's going down with an erection that counts.
testosterone is everything!!

WEll Joke, I mean Joe, I dont think you understand the whole Hostess situation. The bakers had already taken concessions not once, but twice and now were asked to give more. At least they had the dignity to stand for what they believed in unlike the spineless yes men at YRC. Comparing the Hostess situation to YRC is like comparing apples to oranges. YRC would not have shut down had we said no to concessions. So please do your homework before spouting off again....
Not Chicago Supermac! We voted it down several times! Then finally they said we had to take it. Great union right? We voted no but the union said yes. All these guys talking s.h.i.t about back in the day when the teamsters had the power should be disgusted by what it has come down to. And then they vote Hoffa back in last year? It is a sad situation!
Running the numbers: Since I'm a retired freight hauler, 10 years with the teamsters, and 33 years with FXF, and I was driving a truck when Wild Thing was still running around in short pants, I feel I'm qualified to answer this question. 19 + 40 equals 59 years with YRC. That gets you a little more than 4K in pension money. It doesn't get you SS or medicare unless you go out on a medical. Over the years I've watched great companies fall by the wayside, and when deregulation hit they fell even faster. All for various reasons, but was it all about the "bottom line". Finally the Teamsters decided to try to save YRC. The Teamsters, YRC and the bankers all gave concessions to make this possible. Now were down to just two big players. YRC and ABF, and ABF is looking to get out of the master freight agreement. Drivers have been complaining about their jobs since we used to hook up a team of horses. I hope the Teamsters, YRC, and ABF will be around when I'm in the big truck stop in the sky. I also hope Wild Thing enjoys his retirement, you've truly earned it. Just my opinion, TP
I am done 40 years in a couple days but I won't make 40.I retired monday I am sick am tired of listening to all you cry baby's.Not many of you were around when us old timers got what you are giving away today. And anyone that backs H jr is dumber then a rock.How can anyone back a person that Never was a working teamster.[ well they back Obama to]So all I can say is good buy to all you meesters and keep working so you can pay for my pension.In my time I was fired over 20 times because I would not give in to the company.I was also in fights on picket lines hit buy shinney wheels crossing them ,but most of you cry baby's weren't around when we fought for what we have [lost ] today.Drivers running hot running over each other. me first,me first.Well you can now have my seniority now .Because all you meesters that is all you want .Me Me and screw the senior person,doesn't matter if it is right,Now you can be the senior person and get screw by the Meester. . Me first.One last time anyone that follows what Hoffa says is a real dumbA--. I might come around once and a while but I will just watch the teamsters self destruct.

Congrats "WildThing"! What terminal did you say oddeose too?
Have a happy retirement..even if you dont do much or go anyware it still beats going to work.... I retired in june 2009. with 30 years, at 57 years old, 25 years at cf and 5 at roadway...It sure is nice not to have to set the alarm clock anymore.....
Thats great news now even more time to ride your bike.You biker trash.congratulations you know where I live so stop by.
But some will post on here they didn't vote yes on the concessions. But they really did to save their pension.(Meesters)
But some will post on here they didn't vote yes on the concessions. But they really did to save their pension.(Meesters)
Most posted they voted no for the concessions. Most still claim they voted no. But they really did to save their jobs.
Most posted they voted no for the concessions. Most still claim they voted no. But they really did to save their jobs. Family first.
Don't switch the words on what the thread was started about he said goodbye to the People still working as Meesters. But I see it the opposite way.