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Oh my,the LAST,LAST I posted sure didn't LAST very long.
Well then I'll just post another LAST,LAST& see how long this LAST,LAST,LASTS.
FLOUNDER you had enough time being LAST,& I'm sure you'll be LAST again.
However I'm going to jump in here for who knows how long?
To post another LAST,LAST,to see how long this LAST,LAST................. LASTS?
So now as any one who views this post can plainly see, I'm the official LAST,LAST GAME player who is currently LAST.
Well actually I'm filling the outside horse watering tank at the moment.
However as it fills I had time to come in the house & snag a LAST away from looks like Big Dave who is presently the LAST.
Who has been LAST for an entire 30 minutes,bye,bye Big Dave I'm LAST to have just posted the LAST,LAST....LAST.
Whoa that had to of set a record,of one of my LASTS going by the wayside.
Alls I did was go outside to see if the tank was full,which it was,come inside shut the water off,reel up the hose.
Bring the reel back in the house,didn't seem that long.
Now here I am back on the i-mac to see my LAST LAST went bye,bye already?
So then Big Dave guess the next time you look on here you'll see I'm LAST.
Oh come now if it isn't Big Dave its you FLOUNDER snatching my LAST,LASTS away sometimes in short order.
Well I gotta run some errands for my wife so I'll grab another LAST,LAST,then you can take it back next time.
All righty my friend,LAST to post the LAST,LAST,....LAST!
Sorry flounder been there long enough you and BD back to fighting for first CAUSE NOW I"m LLAST INTO THE REST AREA LAST IN LINE FOR LAST
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