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Team Last,to Hat Dispatch. Over.
Hat. Go ahead,team last. Over.
Team Last. Awaiting assignment, still in Time Square. Over.
Hat. You 2 clowns,I mean guys are always last to let me know you need work. Over
Team Last. I hope we are going to Jersey again. Over.
Team Last,to Hat Dispatch. Over.
Hat. Go ahead,team last. Over.
Team Last. Awaiting assignment, still in Time Square. Over.
Hat. You 2 clowns,I mean guys are always last to let me know you need work. Over
Team Last. I hope we are going to Jersey again. Over.

Gov. Chris hopes you have made your LAST trip to Jersey, "how copy"
Trump tweeted me,saying, fish, and the fathead in NK, will always be first, on the hit list....
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