Yellow | Smith System Safety Training

At 881 this training is being overseen by a company man.
He was a Teamster and defected to YRC. May be the best place for a person that had his special spot under the desk of many offices at the terminal.
After the defection he was able to negotiate a couple of flat knee buddies to help with the Smith System training. They hold bids but are allowed to move around their start and stop times along with 6th and 7th punches. They work ahead of senior men and also get their 12 hour day's too.

When they came up with this training schedule it was suggested that they may want to run it by the local to get their blessing. The reply was we don't need no blessing from the local!! These words from a Teamster city driver.

Now they have scheduled drivers with early and late start times to not come in at their bid times but slide the start time anywhere from 3 to 8 hours to accommodate their special status. Why can't the company man do this training at negotiated start times ? With this schedule some drivers do not have 10 hours off duty. Management here has always looked the other way on these HOS violations if you are special.
Problem now is they are running out of special people.
Are you referring to " R. v**B*****?