FedEx Freight | staying awake


TB Lurker
Just wondering if anybody had any tips on staying awake all night driving. All the years I've been here I was doing a shuttle run and always staying busy on the dock and in the yard. Now, I have a laydown run and a new experience.
Music helped me when I was an OTR driver. Had to be something that held my attention and got me going. Sattelite radio did not exist then so the radio was about useless - I would find something that interested me and get to listen to it for 15 minutes if I was lucky then I was out of range. I also would go to the library and check out books on tape or radio dramas that had enough of a plot to hold my interest. One of my favorites was a BBC radiodrama of Lord of the Rings that was 32 cassette tapes (been a while, similar stuff should be available on CD). You can download all kinds of old time radio dramas online and save them to CD as audio files or save to some kind of drive as MP-3 files and play back through your radio on an I-Pod or something like it.
Cherry life savers, lots of cherry lifesavers and three cans of Dr Pepper spread out over the length of the route. A towel that you can dip into the icy cold water from your ice chest that is holding your Dr Peppers.
Keep your eyes moving! Focus left front right gauges front.every 10 seconds. Stop and do some stretching exercises. Carry a spray bottle with water.
crack a window for fresh air/a CD w/your favorite song and wonder I can never team again...:hysterical:
I download alot of books onto my iPhone and it plugs right into the radio... Learn while you earn... I wouldn't trade this phone for anything
Ranch sunflower seeds and a diet pepsi ya man works for me.
If you have xm you should listen to 166 It's the Steve Sommers show from 12 till 5:00 A.M. (eastern) Lots of talk about truckin on Americas truckin network (ATN) I personally loved listening had a cast of characters call in plus interesting guests. For all yall back east, 700wlw the big one!
sleep as much as possible if you find yourself drowsy pull over in a safe place get out stretch walk a little do not drive sleepy you might waqke up way 2 late good luck
I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes, drink about 12 cans of Rock Star energy drink, eat a bag of 3 pepper Doritos, and munch on Hostess snack cakes in the course of a night. It seems to work for me.
Really, sleep as much as you can during the day and keep the cab cool. If you get tired, do a 30 minute ramp camp if you have to.
I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes, drink about 12 cans of Rock Star energy drink, eat a bag of 3 pepper Doritos, and munch on Hostess snack cakes in the course of a night. It seems to work for me.

It's done wonders for your silhouette. :fruit:

Audio books, a "police" scanner, a regular sleep schedule, the list goes on and on. Everyone finds something to help pass the time and keep them awake. I always found that if I broke the trip into smaller segments in my mind it was way easier.
I too break the run into segments and yes it helps...Regular stops even if your not tired helps..A quick walk around the truck and exercise when you can..Keep yourself active while driving, little exercises,,checking everything every few seconds..and singing does help a great deal.. But nothing beats a great day of sleep..A weekly sleep schedule makes a hug difference..Make a plan that works for you and stick to it..If you start the week tired you will never catch up...Laying down and getting up at the same time everyday,,even if your tired,, stay up until your set time to sleep...A healthy diet and vitamin supplements....Coffee and energy drinks may help at the moment but will hinder your sleep as the stick with you longer then you think..

p.s. Scanners are illegal in commercial trucks in many states..