FedEx Freight | Why is Fedex becoming so openly hostile to its drivers???

Cant complain about the way I'm treated either....nobody as far as management talks down to me or gives me a hard time. Heard of this at some other centers but sometimes ya got to consider the source.
In State Labor and Federal Labor Laws, there are statutes regarding "Hostile work environment". If you feel harassed in any way shape or form by your employer, you have the RIGHT to file a complaint at your State level. The MORE employees file, the better the chances of State or Feds looking into practices by the employer. In this case FEDEX. With the lack of funds at State level, I'm sure they would love to make $ by imposing fines to BIG CORPORATIONS. I know some States are "Right-to-work" States, but they still have tools in place to help employees fight against Hostile Work Environments. READ your local, State and Federal laws regarding this practice. EDUCATE YOURSELF AND OTHERS!!! KNOWLEDGE IS THE ONLY WEAPON WE HAVE TO FIGHT ABUSE WITH!! We may not have a you-know-what to help us but that does not mean we're at the mercy of the company. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Contact your State Attorney's Office, State Senators and Congressmen. DON'T LET THE ABUSE GO UNCHECKED OR IT WILL GET WORSE!!!!!
VERY GOOD QUESTION ,,, and WELCOME to The Boards.... To your question,,,, I among others would like to know that too.... It goes back to the latest cd as in "if you don't like it here, GET LOST" ...... How can you expect to have employees with a good attitude,,, or in their terms,,, "Actively Engaged" ,,, when you treat everybody like expendable cat poop.... ????? Thats Exactly what they are doing,,, have a High turnover rate , and you get rid of the "pension" ( Thats a laugh) ,, vacation,, etc...... Like the cd said,,, (and most of us knew already) ,,, this "company" doesn't give a damn about us..... I must say,,, before the bend over people start,,, is I would LOVE to have a great attitude about this company like I used too.... How about 'management' treating us like part of the team,,,,,, instead of part of the problem........ "They" and the stock holders would get ALOT MORE return.......... Ok,,, I'm done now,,,, for now.....

Very well said.

wow this is somthing coming from you the way
i have seen you treated in richmond,va. i guess
when people are scared og the company they will
say what the compant wants to hear.
I usually just observe forums and am not much into posting but it has got to the point that I have to ask a question. I am a city driver with a little bit of seniority under my belt and I have observed a steadily increasing trend of open hostility and disrespect towards us. What is with this? Why have we become the enemy of this company? I just want to do my job in peace. I enjoy what I do and believe in our product but I cannot understand why when we are the footsoldiers why we are being treated as the enemy.

WOW: 15 pages of replies on this thread. I truly believe that upper management monitors this website. With that being said, this should open their eyes. Before my retirement, the biggest topic was the dreaded "U" word. If FXF does not pay attention to their employees, they will sign a card just to p*ss them off.
I know this statement will make the union drool ( as they have always had a target on FX) and I do not want to open up a can of worms about pros and cons of unionization, just trying to say keep up your comments as big brother is (or should be) watching.
Not trying to **** you off dude or be a smart ***....just like to keep off the radar. The previous carrier I worked for makes this place look like a Sunday walk in the park. There are some things that I don't agree with here but they are pretty minuscule in nature. Normally that much just don't get to me or I don't let it.
You make the money you do and have hungry eyes at the table?
What kind of house payment do you have?
What kind of car do you drive?
How much did vacation cost you this year?
Do you know the difference between a want and a need? Does your wife?

For several of us out here, our lifestyles were setup to reflect our standard of living. Our standard of living West of the Rockies deteriorated for a large segment of drivers after August of 09. For instance, in my terminal, if you didn't have 15 years with the company in linehaul, you were done. If you had more than that and elected to not relocate, you were right back where you were 16 years ago. For instance, I now have a lower paying run than I did 16 years ago, without adjusting for 16 years of inflation. Yes, Jeff, there are hungry eyes out here and not because people were living beyond their means. Thanks so much to doing it the new, better, way.
Now have any of you considered that when it comes to senior linehaul drivers, especially those in the west, that the company might just be trying to get them so angry that they will want to quit? Former west linedrivers are one dimensional employees. They are linedrivers, not P&D, not dock, it was their choice to do linehaul, work nights, on call 24/7, miss their kids baseball and soccer games, all of that. Under the East model, we just don't cut it, we haven't had the experience on the dock nor as delivery drivers, we have less value. Also, as a group the average age is over 50, more costly to get health insurance for, more expensive according to the portable pension account formula and more expenive for vacation as most of us get four weeks per year. So, you don't think for a second that they would want the west drivers and for that matter any senior driver to pull the plug to gain a less expensive more versatile driver in their place?
And if any of you management types are indeed trolling this place, I'm not the only one out here that feels this way.