"offensive as hell to me" should prove to you that's there is truth to you that a God loves you. If it was false hope I believe you would laugh it off and ignore us. But please remember as for me and my comments, they come from a friends heart who has no choice but to pray for you and offer a hope for you that would rock your world with a peace that reaches anyone's understanding. I can speak from personal experience, politics don't concern me, I enter the booth prayed up and knowing what my Bible says on the issues, therefore I don't worry or stress out over it, and definitely don't watch the news channels. My job that God blessed me with here at Averitt is completely fulfilling, I have everything I need and want and love my job. He has blessed me with a awesome loving supportive wife and two boys who love the Lord. All these things come from a joy that is anchored in Christ, happiness comes and goes, but the joy I have in my heart and soul makes everyday sweeter than the day before. I apologize if my testimony for God offends you, that is never my intent. But the Gospel is good news, and I can't keep good news quiet. Imagine if you were the 1st person to find out in November that your Mitt Romney had won and you sat in your truck and didn't call a soul and share the good news, well that news is peanuts compared to the good news of the Gospel, it must be shared too :)