XPO | Ratchet straps


TB Lurker
What's the difference between ratchet straps and the regular pull straps???? You need to be seatbelted in when you run over a ratchet strap and render it useless. XPO should stop watching OD commercials. XPO has to understand OD holds its people accountable for what they do. I saw a dope ratchet strap a skid of 5 gal roofing tar so tight the tops popped off. Every year the six figure guys come up with some stupid idea to justify the salary. You want to start making money again hire more from the bottom and cut from the top.. Your welcome.
What's the difference between ratchet straps and the regular pull straps???? You need to be seatbelted in when you run over a ratchet strap and render it useless. XPO should stop watching OD commercials. XPO has to understand OD holds its people accountable for what they do. I saw a dope ratchet strap a skid of 5 gal roofing tar so tight the tops popped off. Every year the six figure guys come up with some stupid idea to justify the salary. You want to start making money again hire more from the bottom and cut from the top.. Your welcome.
It's VERY obvious that XPO doesn't need ratchet straps. XPO desperately needs accountability.
I’ve only seen 2 ratchet straps so far. One was in good shape and used properly. The other was on the floor bent to hell. Did not even surprise me..just like with the SafeStack beams.
They don’t fit the strap holes in pups. They are straps meant for logistic trailers. Lmfao. I just shook my head when I tried to use one.
Just used them for 1st time last night. They do fit in the slats, I found if you put the piece with release trigger in first, the other end just fits in. I think they are gonna be a great way to to make the morning guys day start off with a grumble or two. Ha,Ha..
Just used them for 1st time last night. They do fit in the slats, I found if you put the piece with release trigger in first, the other end just fits in. I think they are gonna be a great way to to make the morning guys day start off with a grumble or two. Ha,Ha..
I’ll give them a try again.
What's the difference between ratchet straps and the regular pull straps???? You need to be seatbelted in when you run over a ratchet strap and render it useless. XPO should stop watching OD commercials. XPO has to understand OD holds its people accountable for what they do. I saw a dope ratchet strap a skid of 5 gal roofing tar so tight the tops popped off. Every year the six figure guys come up with some stupid idea to justify the salary. You want to start making money again hire more from the bottom and cut from the top.. Your welcome.
They are not watching OD commercials. They hired one of their top execs.
I love the airbags. They just ran the airline plumbing at our fac. I love using them.
we are waiting for a new compressor. I like the idea, but see it as the flavor of the day. They were used before. With the lack of caring on so many’s part, I don’t think they will last.
Being a person that unloads trailers from FACs , I have to say I see the airbags as useless.

Whenever the airbags are in a load the support they provide is minimal to zero. Straps and dunnage ( when done correctly ) seem to keep everything where it should be ... airbags are blown up and just sitting in the load. Seems silly.
I love the airbags. They just ran the airline plumbing at our fac. I love using them.
At Saia our forklift drivers at Break Terminals were too lazy to roll up air hoses.... At EOL terminals have no problems keeping airlines in good shape (useable).
What's the difference between ratchet straps and the regular pull straps???? You need to be seatbelted in when you run over a ratchet strap and render it useless. XPO should stop watching OD commercials. XPO has to understand OD holds its people accountable for what they do. I saw a dope ratchet strap a skid of 5 gal roofing tar so tight the tops popped off. Every year the six figure guys come up with some stupid idea to justify the salary. You want to start making money again hire more from the bottom and cut from the top.. Your welcome.
Will have to agree. Makes you wonder who in corporate sit around a table and come up with some of the dumbest stuff then implement it and have never ever been in a big truck.
As far as I'm concerned, the company can remove the safe stack beams, the airbags, and the ratchet straps. We have tie downs on the trailer sidewalls and non-ratcheting straps. Use those with plywood and load old school. IMO, this would be the best way to do it, but the company won't do that because they believe freight will be damaged. What the company fails to realize is that they can buy all kinds of fancy restraining devices for trailers but until they start cracking down on the morons who, for whatever reason, don't follow proper loading procedures, damage numbers will not come down to acceptable levels. WE WON'T BECOME A WORLD CLASS company! YOU PICKING UP WHAT I'M LAYING DOWN HERE, MANAGEMENT? Start smacking some pee pees and you'll start seeing less damage.
As far as I'm concerned, the company can remove the safe stack beams, the airbags, and the ratchet straps. We have tie downs on the trailer sidewalls and non-ratcheting straps. Use those with plywood and load old school. IMO, this would be the best way to do it, but the company won't do that because they believe freight will be damaged. What the company fails to realize is that they can buy all kinds of fancy restraining devices for trailers but until they start cracking down on the morons who, for whatever reason, don't follow proper loading procedures, damage numbers will not come down to acceptable levels. WE WON'T BECOME A WORLD CLASS company! YOU PICKING UP WHAT I'M LAYING DOWN HERE, MANAGEMENT? Start smacking some pee pees and you'll start seeing less damage.
Not going to happen. They are more concerned with keeping employees. Even the :shit:ty ones.
Not going to happen. They are more concerned with keeping employees. Even the :::shit:::ty ones.
It gets harder to attract and hold onto employees with decreased benefits and no retirement . You can’t pound employees with high demand and discipline . They risk not getting anyone.
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