Yellow | Rumors of layoffs?

10 road drivers were put on layoff in Memphis,TN. 5 had just graduated from their academy and were training. I'm currently training for my CDL through the CDL academy, does anyone know whats the hiring policy is regarding academy students that are suppose to get a position after attaining their cdl but the Memphis terminal has current layoffs?
You are SOL ....... At the end of all the promises and lies your seniority number is the only thing that can save you.
WAAAY out in left field but what's stopping yellow from laying off at holland to avoid the dovetail? Again way out there and might not be an issue at the rate guys are leaving. Here at 386 (MI) the idea of this is making our TM reach for the baby oil late at night.
WAAAY out in left field but what's stopping yellow from laying off at holland to avoid the dovetail? Again way out there and might not be an issue at the rate guys are leaving. Here at 386 (MI) the idea of this is making our TM reach for the baby oil late at night.
It’s not way out there. New Penn and YRC share a terminal with the same TM running both in NJ the New Penn side had 8 drivers and 2 dock get laid off YRC side had 1 dock guy who has been called back already.
We had the same question.
No problem with that.
Grow a crop and sell it.
My tax money shouldn't be included to offset the prices.
Your tax money is wasted on a daily basis, hell it's wasted just paying politicians a salary so pay the farmers at least we get Roi. Our tax money is subsidizing illegal aliens so why not farmers. I have no problem with Yeller getting all that money, hasn't cost me a minute of sleep.