This Weeks Crossword Answers

Maybe a couple packets of curry paste…..
Cracking Up Lol GIF
Just got off the wire with BD, he knows the job can put a strain on romantic relationships so with the upcoming Valentine's Day holiday (or Valentime's Day for those so inclined) he's brought in Glovnad's brother Danvolg for the rest of the week to offer up romantic tips and give each employee a heart shaped cake mix to bake up for their sweeties, just another Coop employee perk. Note: extra kits are available at cost for those who are shall we say more romantic than others wink, wink.
Just got off the wire with BD, he knows the job can put a strain on romantic relationships so with the upcoming Valentine's Day holiday (or Valentime's Day for those so inclined) he's brought in Glovnad's brother Danvolg for the rest of the week to offer up romantic tips and give each employee a heart shaped cake mix to bake up for their sweeties, just another Coop employee perk. Note: extra kits are available at cost for those who are shall we say more romantic than others wink, wink.
Danvolg looks like he eats, lots of beets.
Read this article. Lots of truths in it. Especially about our favorite, stop light moving outfit….
This means Jimmy G's job is secure.
Leaping lizards..... just when you think BD has used up all the tricks in his bag he goes and pulls out another one that kills 2 birds with 1 stone (or gets 2 birds stoned at once if so inclined), anyway Cedar Rapids has denied any further expansion of the Coop's onsite Moldo converted used container/tar paper housing, so BD has ordered in some mega 4 bedroom/one bath expansion sleepers to take on the housing crisis.... the added bonus is with 6 Moldo's running team it'll basically triple production over "almost" all the other 2 driver teams. Behold the Coopdominium (seen below)
Leaping lizards..... just when you think BD has used up all the tricks in his bag he goes and pulls out another one that kills 2 birds with 1 stone (or gets 2 birds stoned at once if so inclined), anyway Cedar Rapids has denied any further expansion of the Coop's onsite Moldo converted used container/tar paper housing, so BD has ordered in some mega 4 bedroom/one bath expansion sleepers to take on the housing crisis.... the added bonus is with 6 Moldo's running team it'll basically triple production over "almost" all the other 2 driver teams. Behold the Coopdominium (seen below)
Is that cooler full of beet's?
Anybody else picking up strange signals from Charlene down at the diner?
Well, well, well, I knew something was up, just look at what Charlene had the Candy-Gram guy drop off to house today, so anyway she's coming up tomorrow morning and we'll take in the days festivities out at the Lakeside on White Bear lake, they have the "SweetHearts" annual economy style hot dog and tater tot buffet, should be a goodtime......."Go Bears".
