Invest with what?
Your lunch money.
And if don't they'll beat you up at recess....or get rid of half the forklifts for the UE bid guys.
Push it with a jack. 300 doors away. Every other skid.
They want UE to quit on their timeframe. Soon.
Forklifts reserved for the most junior young guys to stack and crush. Older UE guys get the jacks.
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Yellow freight stock is down. Why don’t you guys invest in your company and yourselves?
Maybe the company should invest on the workers too and pay 15% more and pay 15% back to the seniors first and then you will thrive but no so you get your result for paying 15 cents to your workers so you get 15% labor.
Hey I’ve been looking into it. Let me and other know how does it work for us that don’t know. What happens if we decide to invest I. Yellow?
Do a Google search and it will explain how stocks are bought and sold. Too complex to explain in a few words. It does not work like most people think.