Yellow | YRC COO 2021 Files

The Holland Charlotte terminal manager said that Charlotte, Atlanta and like 8 or 9 other locations will be super hubs or something to that affect and will distribute freight to other terminals in the area.
I work at 402 and I seen multiple Holland line haul drivers dropping there trailers at 402 and waiting on freight to go back to where they came from...
Reading this thread reminds me of my years there in the early 2000’s. Crazy to see the company evolve from my Roadway days. It was never the same after Yellow came in.
There is no more merger its just slowly combine one terminal at a time -till we are one -but we wont last long enough ,customers already are on to it as well everyone knows !!
There is no more merger its just slowly combine one terminal at a time -till we are one -but we wont last long enough ,customers already are on to it as well everyone knows !!
I wish they would start shipping some of their freight with some other carrier if they are on to us! Get out late every night, give 3 or 4 loads to purchased transportation and we still have 20 loads left over. We need new hires or less freight!